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Posts posted by C0ACH

  1. I pray for peace in the world EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE. We don't always get what we want and pray for though, right?


    So that makes it a good idea to align yourself with a lunatic on a message board? Sometimes I can't believe what I read on here.

  2. Ithy, I see you didn't respond to my question.


    Are you certain you wanna say that Article 11 in the Treaty of Tripoli was an intentional lie by the US? Are you positive you wanna say that?


    I'm giving you an out ...


    The average person doesn't care about the Treaty of Tripoli.


    You can't agrue that the US wasn't founded by Christians. Maybe they disagreed about about unity and trinity, but weren't they all Christians. If not, what were they? Pagan, Jews...? Did they not go by some set of principles? Were those not shaped by their own beliefs.


    Of course, they wanted separation of church and state.


    Me too.


    That is why I do not want a scarf in the courthouse or an aplogy from the courthouse. I want that stay separated.


    Why can't we all feel they way we do without it being personal? I have no problem with Islam, at least no significant problem. What is wrong with or at least what I find most negative about Christianity is epitomized by Islam...the oppression, the corruption, the guilt, the shame, the untruths, and the attitude of having a monopoly on faith. I see little difference in some of the Ithiel's posts and in Islam in general. It doesn't resonate with me, and I assume the majority feel the same way.


    Just take the scarf off and go in, or leave it on and leave. And, leave your curses to your self.

  3. I have two accounts on my computer. I think the main one has a virus. When I turn my Computer on it tells me that there is something inconsistent with my disks and recommends that I do a check. When I let it do a disk check, it locks up.


    I can turn it off, and log back on and forego the disk check. When I log in to the main account, it locks up. I can log into the secondary account with no problem. My wife has docs and pictures that I need to retrieve from the primary account.


    I feel silly, but I have no idea what to do. I have never had a problem before. I have Norton anit-virus, but the subscription has run out. I have checked a couple of message boards that tell me what to do, but it seems really complicated. They tell me to get rid of Norton and run the following programs...it says


    Download, run and install


    1.) http://www.filehippo.com/download_spybot_sear...




    3.)Get rid of Norton, Its crap and a memory hog.


    http://free.avg.com/download-avg-anti-virus-f... .


    How do I run something on my primary account if it locks up soon after I log-on.


    Any help would be appreciated.

  4. Now that is just being silly do you think she made up the fact that her headscarf is for religious perposes? Saying that allowing her to wear it would be compared to your having your cell phone on in court disrupting court sessions is reaching and not grabbing a thing! Her scarf was in no way disturbing the court session, a ringing phone would. Cant you come up with a reasonable argument???? That one was off the mark.


    My point is that neither is essential to the court proceding. It is court not church. My cell phone has never caused the disruption that her scarf has caused.


    It is reasonable to allow this lady into court as long as she follows the rules.


    Who gets to decide what qualifies as religious head gear? You should see some of the hats that the old ladies used to wear to my old church.

  5. It isn't even discrimination if bubba can't wear his Skynard ball cap and I can not wear my bandana.

    It is equality. Doesn't fit for these folks so the libs or warped headed ones must twist and spin it to fit their likings...


    The judge discriminated against anyone wearing head gear. I am cool with that, but it is in no way prejudice.


    The next time I am told that I have to turn my cell phone off, I am going to tell them that I use it to get updates from my church, and then am going to curse in public, and then I am going to call the ACLU (Now, I like the ACLU for real) if Iget in any trouble.


    What about the freedom of religion that America pretends to have? Is that only freedom of the religions that you understand and agree with? You are again comparing religious freedoms with fashion statements.


    She is free to worship how she pleases. What does that have to do with what you wear in court?


    Tow, you are on to something. Is this Lady wearing a bandana?


  6. You may not appreciate my being in agreement with you about this but when you are right YOU ARE RIGHT! I hope my Grand daughter never has to deal with this type of religion/government.


    I thought about that a bit, and it makes me think.


    I feel strongly that we shouldn't subscribe to a platform. We probably agree on much more than we disagree on.


    I am not a democrat, (I mush more of a libertarian who likes public education) but I do not see why a democrat can't be against same-sex marriage, the death penalty, racism, and at the same time be pro-choice, be for the fiar-tax, and for welfare reform.

  7. I am saying that the courts need to change the law on religious headwear because it doesn't make sense. I dont know if any other religions have headwear they are suppose to wear in public I am betting there is more than one. I am saying why make someone go against their religious beliefs unless there is a very good reason. With this scarf what is the good reason? It is just ridiclous to have such a law.



    I disagree. We all have to make concessions to conform to community/societal standars. I do not like having to wear a tie to work. I would prefer to wear guaged ear rings and tatoos, but it isn't acceptable. And, who is to say that those things are not part of my religion.


    My biggest disagreement is the fact that Muslims mistreat and oppress women. I do not think it is okay for the US government to change rules that encourage it. Muslim men want their women to cover their bodies from head to toe, and my tax money should be concerned with that?


    I don't care if they want to wear unsightly head gear, but I do care to be bothered by it.

  8. Just because you dont pray to something does not mean it is not critical to their religion. She does deserve an apology, and the laws concerning religious headwear should be changed!



    So what is comparable from another religion? Who else has religious head wear? If a Baptist preacher tells the bald headed men in his congregation to wear his ball cap in public, the members of that church should disregard courthouse rules. Explain how it is critical to her religion. Is it not imposed by "man" out of insecurity.


    Jews wear the Yamule, The Pope wheres the think that looks like a doily (sp?), Chief Sitting Bull wore that thing with the feathers. Why isn't it a problem with them?


    So, you are saying that courts need to change rules because of the insecurities that a religious leader may have? That is insane.



  9. What is there to apologize about?


    For real. He shouldn't apologize unless he is sorry.


    She should sue, and be rewarded a dollar...one dollar.


    Sorry, I a just sympathetic to her plight, and I do not see what it has to do with 99% of the population. Whatis analagous to the head scarf for Christians, Pagans, Athiests, and good old-fashioned Baptists. The presence of spitoons in old churches was a way of life, but it was not their religion just as a head scarf is the woman's way of life, but unless she prays to head scarf it is no more critical to religion than a spitoon.


    And to think, I am commie lib (according to some people on here).

  10. My first reaction was, dang, flashing signs - you know sticking your fingers in odd ways - is a freedom of speech issue and no government can tell you want you can say and can't say.


    Now that it was explained a bit better ... he was associating with gang members in violation of his probation, That he was expressing himself by making the signs and being photographed doing so is, on its face, legal although it was or could be used as evidence that he was associating with known gang members.


    I find the article, however, woefully misleading as to what action the government can do and cannot do. Indeed, had he made the gang signs on a video for youtube at home, I can't imagine that being actionable under the prohibition of the government screwing with freedom of speech.


    What bothers me about this, though is that the media, by making the headline: Man arrested for flashing gang signs in Santa pic ... suggests that it was the act of flashing gang signs that is the issue. It was the other known gang members in the picture and he is at pretty much at libery to flash gang signs if he thinks it will get him anything.


    This is how the American people in general become misinformed about their rights, including their religious freedom rights.



    What if I consider gang signs to be obscene and the rest of my community sees them as an obscenity? What if he were flashing masturbatory signs in public? Or, if he made up his own humpity gang and went around doing hip thrusts at old women he is recruiting.


    To me, flashing gang signs is the issue. I am just glad his terms forbid it.



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