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Posts posted by MustangMama

  1. I am surprised there hasn't been a topic about this. If i missed it i am sorry. According to this weeks Pcom video, The Pickets Mill Historical site will be reduced to only 3 days of operation. Beginning July 1st it will only be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Charles Winchester will be transferred to Sweetwater Park, and all part time employees will be laid off. James, the historical interpreter will be the only employee left to run the park!


    I hope I wrote down all of these facts correctly. I am so saddened to know that this park will not be open full time! It is a wonderful place to hike and enjoy nature and history with your family. My husband and I love going over in the mornings and getting a good walk in. The people that work there are just wonderful. Mr. Winchester has been there as long as I can remember. He and his family actually live on the grounds. Will they have to leave and find a new place to live?! This is just terrible in my opinion. Many of you will remember that when their daughter died, a memory garden was built and donated by many in the community in their daughters memory! How will they be able to take all of this with them if they have to leave?! I am just heart broken about this. Where will all of the laid off employees find jobs with the economy being like it is?


    Is there anything we as a community can do to keep this wonderful park open. As Pubby said, this is one of the best preserved Civil War battle grounds in the nation. We can't just let it be shut down!!!

  2. It might be a good idea to keep a log for about a week and see when they are occuring and see if you see any type of trend. You could also keep a food log to see if that has any effect. I only get a bad migraine when I try to come off of diet Coke. My goal after school is out is to get completely off of caffeine as gradually as I can, so I don't end up with a really bad migraine.


    Extra strength Excedrine has helped me in the past.

  3. I am sure that you have paid insurance premiums for most of your adult life haven't you?! You have paid and deserve whatever coverage you are allowed under that insurance, Of course you should fight to stay alive. I have recently overcome a battle with malignant melanoma and I believe that a positive mindset, prayer, and family & friend support are what got me through. It made me realize how precious life is and how much those around me mean to me. DO NOT GIVE UP! We all get down every now and then, but do not let these feelings drag you down.

  4. WT there is a private school right behind the hospital. It may be a Catholic school, but I am not sure and can't think of the name. I was back there yesterday and their parking lot did not look full during school hours. I would check with the school and see if they would give you permission to park in their lot. Alot of the Drs. offices have signs in their parking lot that they will tow you if they see you leaving a car, so be careful where you choose.


    Best of luck to you. I had to take Interferon treatment everyday for 4 weeks a little over a year ago at Emory and parking does get expensive. Try to keep a positive outlook and remember that this too shall pass. This is a small amount of time in the span of your whole life. It will not be pleasant, but you WILL get through it and youe WILL get better! It is so important to keep as positive of an outlook as you possibly can. Best wishes and prayers already said for you.

  5. I am not sure if this is the one you are seeing or not, but there is a water tower on Mt. Tabor Rd. right near the fire station. The funny thing about this one is that it has never worked. They built it and then found out something was designed wrong and it will not hold water. Our tax money at work, ha ha.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. I am just now reading your post. If I were you, tomorrow I would look around my backyard and make sure someone did not put some type of poison into your fence, or throw some chicken bones into your yard. What I am trying to say is just make sure there is nothing out there that could hurt your other dogs.


    We have lost a cat that we had for almost 18 years so I know the pain that you are feeling. They become just like your family. I also understand how finances can play a part in what you can do for your animal. In an ideal world it would have been great for the vet to do an autopsy or toxicology screening to tell exactly what happened to your pet, but in the real world you have children to feed and clothe. You did everything that you possibly could and your you did not allow your dog to suffer. You are a good person and are always doing for others. God bless you.

  7. I did that one time and was so embaressed! I had a boss that was really catty and she had noticed she would have embaressed me in front of the whole office. I made it to lunch time without anyone noticing. At lunch I went and bought a new pair that matched!

  8. Freebird, it is my understanding that pickups will be do0r to door only in the morning. In the afternoon the kids will be dropped of at their usual stops. Is it possible to edit your original post? ( I would hate for a parent to be waiting at home expecting their child to be dropped off and get worried) Also, to verify, all children from elementary to high will be picked up at their driveways in the morning.

  9. I had Shingles so bad about 18 years ago that I spent a week in the hospital. They were in my inner ear of all places. They would not let my elderly grandmother come visit me because she had never had Chicken pox. They said she could get Chicken Pox by being exposed to me with Shingles. I have always heard that the older you get, that the Chicken Pox will be more severe for you.


    You are not over reacting, and your MIL would be selfish to put you in the situation of contracting Chicken Pox!

  10. If I did not have the family ties that I do here, I would move to Northwest Colorado in a heartbeat! I love my family though and couldn't leave them. I also love living here. I have lived here all my life, but August is getting harder and harder to tolerate.

  11. The doctors are being honest with you about the skin grafts being painful. I have never suffered a severe burn, but in Sept. of last year I had to have a skin graft due to a Malignant Melanoma that I had. They grafted a piece of skin from the front of my thigh that was a 5"X5" square. It was indeed very painful. I don't know how they could let these heal "open". Mine was very raw and oozed. They had me purchase "lap" pads and perscribed a white cream. This stuff was amazing. It kept the site from sticking to the pad, but allowed it to heal. I believe this cream was initially used for burn victims. I will be glad to try and find out exactly what this cream was if you need me too. I hope your loved one makes it through this without too much pain. I had wonderful doctors at Emory and I am doing great now.

  12. We have had several of our vehicles tinted by Gotcha Lookin Good. They are a Commerce member on here and do great work! They are on Hwy 92 on the right just past old town Hiram. They also do great wash and detail work as well.

  13. I am not sure what middle school your son goes to, but EPMS carries the grades forward the whole year. If he is able to bring up the grade and maintain it at the end of the year, his straight "A" streak will still be intact. I was sick for the first three months last year and wasn't able to stay on top of my son's school work like I normally would. He received a few B's on the first semester report card, but was able to bring them up and maintain an "A" at the end of the year. He won an award for all "A's" in sixth grade. I was very proud of him.

  14. Back to the original OP. I agree with crazy4Boys. Nobody loves animals more than I do, but if it came down to feeding my kids or an animal, I would pick my kids every time. At least people do turn them into the shelter instead of dumping them on a dirt road somewhere. At least they have some chance of getting adopted. I know there are alot of people that go through pets, giving them up without a thought, but with the economic times being what they are, we need to be careful about judging people too harshly. We never know what people are going through, it may be breaking their hearts to give up a life long pet, so keep that in mind.

  15. Sorry, but the whole time he was talking I couldn't take my eyes off that thing in his nose. I know I missed the whole point, but that thing is gross.


    OK, carry on you intellectuals......

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