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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. I wonder what sheeple like Cain and pubby will do when they finally have to admit that it was Hillery and her people who were plying footsies with the Russians and the Democrats concocted most of the Trump/Russian stuff?
  2. Nope, never said any such thing. You're the one with the double standard.
  3. You need to step out of the propaganda stream now and then and enter reality. The fact that you don't know these things makes you look really foolish. Even worse, you thinking that anyone who doesn't buy the Democrats lies must be a Republican makes you look downright ignorant.
  4. Because only the loony and hateful left goes completely bananas at every little headline. It's almost comical to read the daily "OMG" posts on P'Communist. Reading the left's comments is a lot like listening in on a bunch of teenage girls gossiping about each other. "OMG, did you see what **** was wearing? OMG, I heard ***** did it with **** in the locker room." The rest of us tend to be somewhat more logical and reserved (AKA grown up) about the goings on in this country, and we care more about addressing the real problem in this country than whether of not Trump accidentally farted in p
  5. My point exactly. You're more interested in stuff like this than solving real problems.
  6. My message was clear, it's a that there is any evidence of Trump himself doing something illegal with the Russians. Will some come out later? Maybe. But as of now, absolutely no evidence that Trump did anything illegal Who cares, except the people who jump at any chance to hate on the man. This has nothing to do with running the country. The pettiness of the partisan left is absolutely disgusting.
  7. More lies. There is absolutely no evidence at this point that Trump himself did anything wrong in regard to Russia. Even with people like Flynn, their is little evidence that they did anything illegal other than lying to the FBI. Are you intentionally lying, or does your party have you that badly brainwashed?
  8. Another one who just doesn't get it. Things went bust last time because the government meddled in it and caused an artificial inflation. This time the economy is booming because the government got out of the way. I swear...Democrats are so negative and pessimistic, it's sickening!
  9. pubby is following the Democrat's strategy of keeping the sheeple occupied with daily drama so they won't notice how the economy is finally coming back now that the socialists are in charge. " Market at record highs, and that's without the government propping it up with borrowed money. Housing market on fire, which is ALWAYS a necessary factor in any economic recovery. Budget deficit growing at a slower rate (not good enough, but a step in the right direction). Unemployment lower than it's been in many years. Business growth booming. Consumer confidence is waaaaay up and it appears that the h
  10. Middle aged? He was a bus boy at the Last Supper!
  11. You're way over your head, TP. That has nothing to do with my points.
  12. https://www.safespaceprotection.com/emf-health-risks/what-is-emf/
  13. Tremendous efficiency loss and cancer causing EMF. We have enough of the latter in overhead powerlines as it is.
  14. To be a "publisher", your reading comprehension is just awful! I never said the 'people' lost 25 billion. This is just more of your sick hatred of anyone who isn't a loyal Democrat manifesting itself in your posts. Just read your own words...Republican this...'right' that. You're so infected with partisanship you can't discuss taking a dump without making it political. And don't you dare accuse me of name calling when you're the worst name caller on this forum! Your political bias is so bad, you have no concept whatsoever of fairness. Fact is...you no longer have the ability t
  15. pubby It appears that you don't understand the term "Return On Investment". Defaulting on a loan is certainly bad, but the other issue we need to be looking at is whether or not we actually got anything in return for the taxpayer dollars we shell out. And as best I can tell, it's been very little. Now...I'm not opposed to some government investment going to business; it can, when done properly, yield good returns for the taxpayer. But the fact is; a lot of it is just throwing money away to pad the pockets of people who know how to work the system, and there is often a lot of politi
  16. Historically, Samsung has been the most reliable. However, every brand has had their lemons. Be sure to check the ratings of any model you're considering on various websites Best Buy, Amazon, New Egg, etc all have ratings on their web pages. Consumer's Reports can be a good resource.
  17. Are you not capable of debating someone on what they actually post? Apparently not, because you have to insinuate that other posters made statements that they never made. That means you're weak and dishonest. Back to your point about "thank God we've invested...." BS...no, we haven't. Little, if anything has come from the insane amounts of money we've doled out to charlatans, other than making them rich. There are political favors or donations behind most of it anyway.
  18. pubby I was referring to the total budget of the DOE's program. Don't you feel really stupid now that you used your poor reading comprehension to launch an attack on me? You should.
  19. His first name was Engelbert. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkstdb32Gmw
  20. Don't disappoint us, girlie.
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