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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. CC Cleaner is a good registry cleaner, might wanna hang on to it. But it won't hurt to remove it.
  2. I guess my humor is too obscure. OK...I was born in Fort Oglethorpe, GA; moved to Ringgold, then Symrna, then Austell, then to Paulding about 11 years ago. All Georgia, just different zip codes.
  3. Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia....
  4. It's a condom? OK, you gotta wonder why they capitalized it.
  5. Great job Hornets! I knew you could do it.
  6. Kick butt boys! I would seriously think about coming if I was in town.
  7. Pastor Matt's an animal, who'd a thunk it?
  8. Music Road Hotel. Pretty nice place!
  9. ...in Pigeon Forge. Yeah, we're up here on vacation. Weather is great!
  10. Sigh.... Some people just can't behave.
  11. Yep, and there's lots more on their site
  12. Read the fine print. It's no less secure than IE (which has had some major issues), it's just getting more attention because of it's increase in usage. You're fine with Firefox. And there are gobs of add-ons to make it even more secure.
  13. Hoodia is a mild appetite suppressant. It will help, but it's no magic pill either. If you use Hoodia in conjunction with better eating and exercise, it will help. Eat healthy and exercise, that's the ONLY good way to lose weight. And it must be a lifestyle change if you want to keep it off.
  14. I had to drive to McDonough in it earlier, nasty!
  15. You need a dear cooler. I know someone who can make that happen......
  16. Pssst....Jennifer.....the dude goes by the name of Sadie. Shhhh!
  17. Welcome Jennifer. If some crazy dude asks you to pull his finger; don't do it.
  18. Why do you think they call them :pews"? Duh!
  19. Nah, wouldn't have gone over well in church.
  20. Guard dad


    Simple minds.......
  21. Ha-ha My ears are a little smaller too.
  22. Don't hold back, say what you really mean. And yes, I support the death penalty.
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