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Posts posted by daddy3td

  1. I don't really want to PANIC anyone, but I know for sure that SPHS has a girl with STAPH. My 11th grader came home earlier this week freaking out. So, I called and talked to the nurse for about 15-20 minutes on Wednesday. I wanted to know why we hadn't received a letter.


    She says that one boy went to the doctor and was told he didn't have anything to worry about -- but they put him on antibiotics just in case.


    A girl has been confirmed. Hers was lanced and drained and sent off for testing. They say she's allowed back at school as long as she's been on antibiotics for 24 hours and has it covered. They expect the tests to come back "soon", which will tell them what strain it is.


    The nurse says if they have 3 or more cases, they will send home a letter. More -- and they will do major disinfecting. She recommends hand sanitizer -- applied frequently -- even to the exposed arms, but seems to think the desks are safe as long as the students are wearing pants.


    Needless to say, my daughter's still freaked out and so am I!



    Original QUOTE(djbrownsugar @ Oct 25 2007, 08:22 PM)

    Has anyone heard anything about the Staph infection in Marietta City and Spaulding County School Districts? The news is reporting a student with Staph in Paulding County Schools, but the school has not mailed any notices to parents. Can anyone expand on this issue.


    My brother lives in Maryland, and his son's school is closing to be disinfected due to 3 students being infected. They have lost a student already to this infection.

  2. My daughter 6 years old had them all summer. Used muliptle treatments, about 5 go rounds with rid/nix. I was doing the nit picking fianlly towards the end every day for 3 hours. She still had them. I am an ICU nurse and finally I was in tears because she was going back to school and she still had them. I even tired olive oil. Finally, my sister in law came over and I had just finished coombing through her head for the millionth time and she sat down and was finding bugs left and right. She showed me what I was missing was the "brand new" just hatched larva. They were the same color as my childs scalp and they lay right up against the scalp and I never new to look for them! Anyway, she put lots of vaseline in her head and covered it with plastic cap( you can find these at dollar general with the black hair care products) the are one size fits all so it will stay on their head. The shower cap I tried with the olive oil kept coming off. Do it before they go to bed and leave in all night. Wash in the morning with dishwashing liquid and then do a good combing. (it took me about 4 washes to get most of the vaseline out and her hair was slightly greezy for about a day or two) But IT WORKED like a charm. I spent about 7 days doing a good nit combing(I usually picked out the nits I found by hand becasue I found that easier) but I only found 2-3 nits post vaseline treatment. She has been lice free ever since. Also don't go crazy with the cleaning. Lice can't survive off the human head longer than 48 hours. All I did was a good vacumming and washing linen. Not to labor intensive. No of my other kids got them all summer. Try it! Also when you put the vaseline in make sure you cover the scalp liberally. Good luck!

  3. We live right across the street from the park. Have a perfect view from my front lawn. We always have family over and cookout and stay in the nice cool air-conditioning till the show starts. Lucky me, no traffic and I can usually still hear the tunes too. It is a good show though and I am sure worth going to the park for if you have to. LOL

  4. Ok, so how old were your kids whe you had "THE TALK" with them, or what do you think is an appropriate age? You know the talk I am talking about....SEX. My 9 year old is asking all the right questions and I have been telling her I would talk to her about them later. I guess it is time for this.....I am really nervous though. This is BIG! Does anyone know of any good books to go along with "The Talk"? Geez, just another part of parenting that you didn't realize would be so hard!!

    I hate to say it, but I started the talk with my children around the 4th grade, just the very minimal facts, and added on by the end of 5th grade. Dr. James Dobbson has said in the past and I have to agree if you wait till they hit middle school, you waited toooooo long! You know kids are becoming "active" in middle school. I want my children to know the real facts and truth about everything involved in this subject from ME, not some "friend" of my child who doesn't have any idea what they are talking about. I also have added alot in my conversation about feelings and emotions involved, not just what "it"is. I have a 10 year old girl this time around I have discussed with her about boys saying what they think she wants to hear to "rope" her in, etc. She is how should I say, a 10 year old in a 13 year old's body. That worries me, but I just keep the conversation open and going, and I ask/talk to both my older kids 10 and 15 year olds at least on a monthly basis, just to keep these lines of communication open.

  5. WOW - I must be one poor S.O.B. cause we maybe spend a $100 per kid (we have four) then maybe $100 on extended family (that includes 11 neices and nephews and parents/friends). .. .


    We buy a $5 - $10 gift every week from Thanksgiving until Christmas (These are put under the tree every friday night to build up the anticipation until Christmas) then Santa brings about a $50 "big gift" or lots of little gifts.

    You are not poor you are smart. Since when is it okay to make sure the kids get everything they want. I do what my mom did with me. I have about $200 to spend on 2 older kids and I tell them like if they want and IPOD, they get that and nothing else. At first they were like yeah! but now they have "changed" their minds and want more presents that cost less, like clothes, a cheap MP3 player, and a few dvd's and board games. My son was wanting just tonight $60.00 jeans at the gap. I was like I'll buy three pair and that is christmas. Oh how quick did he change his mind and found Levi's on sale at Macy's for $ 27.00! We need to be teaching these kids the value of a dollar and they you don't get EVERYTHING you want. Be grateful for what you do have, and the important thing at Christmas is to spend time with family not how many presents can I get!

  6. What most fail to realize is that most of those type of decisions are made by the professional staffers and don't necessarily have to go through the board. They have to be approved by Trudy but the day to day operations are not made by the board members.

    Okay, I like I said I need to investigate further. Thanks for the info. But still, sitting on the BOE is still an important job,, and one in which I expected people to be interested in and have other canidates beside the same old establishment.

  7. I like the school board members personally. It is the professional staff of the BOE that I am weary of.

    I just know that they have not made what I would consider to be very good finacial decisions, and the new grading system in high school , which I believe was their idea is horrible. My son had a 97 in a class, got an 89 on a test and his new grade was 87! And there are several AP, all A honor students failing because of it. I am going to make sure to start paying alot more attention to what goes on if nothing else. I haven't kept a real close watch on all of their decisions, but I guess I need to "wake up" and pay more attention.

  8. WHY ARE THERE SHCOOL BOARD MEMBERS RUNNING UNCONTESTED IN THIS ELECTION? As many complaints as I have heard and read on this website and many other places about our what my son would term our "wretched" school board, why doesn't someone run against them? I mean now wonder they are making bad decisions, they don't have to answer for them because they will just get re-elected anyway. I have often thought about running for office at some point in my life. Maybe this is the time? If not me someone needs to stand up and make a change. I am still pretty young , but maybe there is someone with more experience who would step up. I would support that!

  9. Way to go Hornets.

    My son is senior starter on the team and we are so happy they are having a good season since it will be his last year.

    Keep up the good work!





    Tell you son they are doing a great job and keep up the good work! This will be a great memory for him his senior year, and no matter how it goes I am so proud of this team!

  10. I was just on the band website and read the Hiram Hornets will be in the playoffs! Way to go! I of course am a band mom, but my husband and I are avid football fans and have been so impressed with the team's play this year! I saw on the web last night we are # 1 in our region! All the next games will be region games with us facing the #2 and # 3 teams! I am so excited! My husband played under Coach Dorsey's dad at McEachern and it is so good to see him doing well also! So I say go HORNETS!!!!! Good luck!

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