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Everything posted by nschur

  1. So if I came to your house to put out a house fire and found an inferno and ruled that the house fire was nonexistent and left the inferno it would not bother you at all? And when you tried to sue me over it and I simply stated that the house FIRE did not exist, because it was actually an INFERNO, and I was not asked to put out an INFERNO therefore I was doing what I was asked to do. something tells me that is not the case. You are playing semantics with the law, because itis the only way to justify what YOU wanted. The law is a VERY black and white thuing. It has to be in order to function.
  2. it was deemed constitutional because Judge Roberts ruled that the fines / fees were actually a TAX and not a Fee. And we ALL know that if it were ruled a FINE / FEE it would indeed have been ruled unconstitutional. Which takes us back to the whole debate where PIBO and crew swore up and down that Obamacare wasNOT A TAX in order to get it passed. So what is worse, having a law that by design was Unconstutional or a law passed through lies and deceit? You do seem to have a knack for only seeing issues from your point of view while TOTALLY discounting and disregarding the views and wishes from t
  3. Just a brief note of levity here....vi can honestly say that my monthly out of pocket HC premiums today are more than my mortgage from the house I sold 11 years ago. That was $407.50 / month P & I. They do not CURRENTLY exceed my new mortgage just under $800/ month P& I. But if you facyor in mt employers share the ptemiums far out pace my mortgage with taxes and insurance. That is just under $1000/ month.
  4. Not a bitter person at all. I just see all the crapvyou guys don't which makes me become a realist. In my field we have seconds to decide on the best possible course of action for us to follow in ordwr to get the citizens out of the problem they have caused. I don't have time to fool around so we have become very adept at seeing the situation for what it is and knowing the resources that are available at the time. That usually lead is to a no crap kind of solution. We do tend to be rather matter of fact about things and do try to be as kind and compasionate as possible but sometimes we can be
  5. Not everyone is as able as you are to just aff another 2.3% to their tax bill. Especially when it goes directly to fund those that will not support themselves. Not the one that can not but those that WILL NOT.
  6. It is when the $2 BILLION is the state of Georgia's cost at the 10% amount. You seem to be forgeting that part. Either that or you are just fine with raising taxes. Remember Georgia is not like the Federal givernment. We can not just print the money or borrow it. By law Georgia' budget must be balanced. Rhat means ALL new costs are paid for at the time they happen. No passi g this on to our grandkids. I think the abuse of the assistance programs is indefensible how about you.
  7. I believe I askes if you would explain it not give me a link.
  8. I eould live to hear your explanatiin of how NOT SPENDING MONEY MADE US GO FURTHER INTO DEBT. That might just explain your whole outlook on budgeting.
  9. My wife's insurance is inferior. Because it is available yo her but I choose to keeo her on my olan it costs me an additional $100 per month.
  10. I really would like to hear a logical explanation for the hatred directed at the Tea Party folks. Really... it just appears that you hate them because they want to reduce spending and reduce the size of government. Where is the logic in that? We all already know government is wasteful by its very nature. We all know we can reduce its size and stramline it and improve efficiency. We can make cuts all over the place and especially in the Defense budget. So why the anger at the group that is just pointing out the painfully obvious.
  11. House and Senate. Only 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection every 2 years. The House is 100% every 2 years. And of the ones you are referring to I think those that are still there that votes for it will l just likely not run again but it really depends on the constituants that they represent.
  12. You forget who you are talking about that will be doing that.. court? They have no provable takable assets. lein? They are in public housing or renting already. wages? You can not garnish govt funded ssistance. debt collectors? They would like the whole amount but will settle on a low monthly payment say $25 per month for life.
  13. Supposedly the penalty is monthlynit yearly but good luck getting the penalty. The only way they can TAKEyour money is by witholding it from your tax refund. That should be easy enough for them to get around.
  14. Well... did the bridge and the falls have a good time on their date? Get it? Tookout a bridge... That was just a lil humor for ya. sorry I know it was lame
  15. I was up there this past Tues. I was out for a ride and came back through Elijay. I was thinking about going up there with the family Sun.
  16. My wife and I were discussing this yesterday. We have decided what we think the goverment should. That would be to charge any user who exceeded their amount by more than 10% with theft. Give them the opportunity to pay it back via a payment or suspending benefits until a comparable amount of withheld benefits balances out what the took. If paid back drop the charge. If not drop them out of the system as punishment. Theivery will notbe tolerated.
  17. and by your logic PIBO is just as guilty and more of weakening the dollar. Trust me... I can support that claim with far more factual and verifiable data than you can with Cruz.
  18. I am unfamiloar with the current college funding programs. I graduates in 89 and had no assistance that I qulified for. All my scholarships were to schools I could not afford and I could not get one at the local schools I could afford. That was before HOPE. I p aid for it all out of pocket while working fulltime. NOW, We have HOPE and all the other stuff which makes it possible for nearly ALL kids to at s least start college even if they SHOULD not be going. They get Huge student loans and live off those for years. Then if they graduate or not they have to pay them off. It seems to me that, as
  19. I don't know... I still think you have to have the child's SSN to claim anything having to do with them. But then again there is the whole thing where they have 12 kids and DEMAND " Someone has to pay for these kids" cause it ain't gonna be me or their daddy (s). That would be 12 SSNs and if they max out at 6 they still have 6 more to trade off for someone to use.
  20. Well I know that it IS a long shot and I am posting from my safe hoise in the tunnels but I was hoping. Especially since it would seem to be a new twist on things that would give both sides a little of what they want so to speak.
  21. Most of you know my stamce has been that Minimum Wage has its place but a blanket increase is not what we need. If you are an adult working full time with a high school degree under normal economic conditions, there is little reason for you to earn only minimum wage. Any, I was just reading about the MW in Germany when something from the article caught my attention. It was talking about raising it, well the opposition was discussing the negative issues, across all SECTORS, That was a very important word to me. They will apparantly allow different MWs to different classifications. Now thi
  22. Sorry, it was not directed at you. Just general questions / considerations for anyone.
  23. That depends.... dob you have no kids and never expect tohave any or are they grown up? I have stated this before, I paid about 10 years worth of taxes before I had kids. I will have them in school over 20 or so years. I will pay taxes for an addotional 10 to 20 years. I would much rather disperse my school taxrs over that entore period rather than pay it just over that 20 year period when my kids are actually in school.
  24. Trust me, I realize that my employer pays most of my HC Costs and that is reflected in the COBRA rates. I also think thatcthe rates are typically higher than your average rates though. The government.
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