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Everything posted by nschur

  1. Only in your twisted little mind. By your wording you would be declaring that all conservatives "are FOX news" if you beleive that all liberals are NPR.
  2. I think you are just a sore loser. You said that I stated "NPR tells its listeners how to vote". I said no such thing. And you are saying that 1. NPR is a taxpayer funded "LIBERAL" radio station now? 2. That it is the 1 and only liberal station out there?
  3. We are still at 70% that have properly identified "they" as the liberals. 17%, which are the die hard liberal supporters that would follow their chosen leader off a cliff, have somehow followed you to the conclusion that "they" refered to NPR even though they (NPR, I had to be specific here. Don't want anymore vagueness) were never even mentioned in the post. With the remainder saying they did not care. Seems to me that you are most definately in the minority. It seems like that day is today... Ready to aplogize yet? Sorry, I just do not take personal attacks and insults very
  4. 1. this is a message board. 2. My major was not english. 3. Had this been a work memo or a business proposal, I would have taken more care and as a general rule leave out references of this matter for the more specific wording. 4. No where in my post at all was a reference made to NPR. But a reference was made to both liberal and conservative broadcast medias. So for that matter, going by your stretch, I may have been referring to FOX news or AM 750 WSB. You are correct, the part about the advertisers really muddles the reference. But to draw the conclusion that "they" refers to
  5. Go ahead. It will not change the rules of grammar.
  6. Please note, this is not about politics. Although the passage is political in nature, we are only interested in the Grammar aspect of it here.
  7. Typical Liberal mindset. Hit right between the eyes with all the facts in black and white ans yet they will continue to attack regardless just because THE REAL FACTS do not coincide with their own view of what they want the facts to be. Sayyyy.... I thought you were done here. And still no apology. Maybe I should start a poll to see if I spelled it out right or if you just misread it with that over inteligent mind of yours.
  8. Seeing as you are so grammatically challanged. My post was about the differences between the conservative and liberal radio / news shows. More to the point that Businesses will only advertise on media that "they" believe will benefit their sales. That means mostly that there are actually listeners / viewers tuned in to that broadcast. I stated that since conservative channels actually have viewers/ listeners, they will have advertisers. I further stated that liberal shows lack the viewers / listeners and therefore will not see this revenue and thus need donations and funding from other sources
  9. Well if I have to explain it to you then I guess not all liberals are as smart as you believe them to be huh. But as per grammar, I never even stated NPR, therefore assuming that "they" referred to NPR is just plain stupid.
  10. I sure will... As soon as you show me where I said NPR endorses candidates. Now will you apologize to me for your false assertions?
  11. I think that the current laws would mandate that they respond and work out the billing. I do not know if the county would be on the hook for the bill or not. We the tax payers are the ones getting screwed here. Clarks said they would do it for the whole fiscal year for the given amount and now they may not be able too.
  12. And why would that be fair? Advertisers PAY more to be where their advertisements will be heard. It is not the fault of conservatives and FOX news that they are willing to pay to be on there. While no one wants to pay to be on the liberal sites. Hmmm.... why would that be. Maybe because most of those self proclaimed liberals don't give a crap about learning things and keeping current on what is happening. Which pretty much means that any Liberal biased radio show will have to have donations because the advertisers would be wasting their money there.They just prefer to have their ordained speak
  13. Somebody has been watching myth busters again...
  14. According to the article I would be in just as much trouble for stating that the applicant can not be handicapped.
  15. Opie, I was told by other mods long ago that the above is the exacty reason that some topics go straight to the PF. Some topics are just impossible to reign in. It is, however, your decision. I have no dog in this hunt.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reRRgEET6Kw&feature=related
  17. And I agree. but one way or another, we the bill / tax payers will get stuck with the bill. a very liberal friend of mine and myself were discussing this while on a run yesterday. Yes we ride the rescue together as assigned partners. He is of the liberal / religious mindset while I am of the conservative / pragmatist mindset. We disagree on lots of stuff but generally can see the point that the other is making. As he said yesterday... Until the government allows us to deny treatment to those that do not pay, the rest of us will either pay upfront through taxes or on the back end through higher
  18. No problemo chica, and totally understandable.
  19. Merely trying to point out that your original response seemed a little lackadaisical towards a ver realand substantial financial loss.
  20. What would you say if I told you that your wages were going to be cut by about 7% come January 01, 2012?
  21. Just a side note on that one. They sometimes want that written statement to assess your writing skills. Most of the time you are required to do that in office where you can't just "phone a friend" for help. If you can't write, they probably will not hire you.
  22. I will say this, Brookstone has Speed Humps not Bumps. They are fine for regular cars. Studies have been done on the affects upon emergency response times. They conclusion was that EACH HUMP will slow down the response time by 30 seconds. That includes deceleration, transition and accelerating again. I will personally attest to this conclusion. As the apparatus driver I know how fast I can go over them and the required approach and departure speeds. Many of our calls were on the back side of Brookstone off County Line Rd. I have to cross 6 S.H. in order to get there. That is an extra 2 minutes
  23. When we moved in I looked at getting them in our subdivision. As I recall you had to jump through the following hoops in order to get them. 1. Get a list of 80% of the homeowners who also wanted the S.H. (speed humps) 2. After that you will be given the county's permission to have a certified traffic engineering firm to come out and do a survey that the HOA has to pay for. 3. After the survey and reccomendations are completed it will given to the county for approval. 4. Then the County will then grant you the privelidge of paying for the installation of the S.H. in your subdivi
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