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Everything posted by TJB

  1. I think it would be interesting to hear what he'd say about today's world.
  2. I can't believe he would've been 70. I can't believe he's been dead almost 30 years. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/09/john-lennons-70th-celebra_n_756839.html
  3. Compared to many professions teachers are pretty lucky but I guarantee we earn every penny and if you stepped foot in a classroom you would realize that and yes the police are underpaid as well. However, I don't disparage the jobs of others and I'm pretty damn tired of people disparaging mine. If you think my job is so damn easy, become a teacher.
  4. Comedy often derives from sadness and many comedians deal with demons. I read Artie Lange's Too Fat to fishexpecting a good laugh but much of it was very sad and could see he suffered with and battled depression. Just think of Chris Farley ahd John Belushi.
  5. Very funny man but if you've noticed it's been rough for people on the Comedy Central roasts lately. Artie Lange, a frequent guest on the roasts, stabbed himself 9 times last year. It's sad that talented people can have a dark side.
  6. I agree with you. I think this will begin to stop when businesses who hire illegal labor are prosecuted.
  7. What Long did was despicable but I agree with you. LongFellows an interesting name for his "academy".
  8. Miss Jessie has always been nice to me and if I see her, I go out of my way to say hello. People are fortunate to have their mental health and should show compassion for those who do not.
  9. I think the guy is a sh*thead for burning the Quran or any other religious text. However, it's his legal right to do so, providing he didn't break any other laws. I'm uncomfortable limiting political and religious speech, even if I disagree with it. I'm uncomfortable with so called employer "ethics" clauses limiting free speech because it seems like one more way for big brother to keep people silent. Free speech does require great thought and responsibility though and I hope people recognize that.
  10. However, candy ass Kid Rock needed 4 bodyguards to help him with his fight. According to the tapes the jury watched, he didn't even land a punch but his bodyguard did.
  11. TJB

    Johnny Cash

    Not a huge fan, but his cover of Hurt by Nine Inch Nails is great.
  12. I'm sorry to hear this. I love my furkids and know how hard this is for you.
  13. I'm a patient of him as well and he's helped me tremendously.
  14. There is also a high number of head injuries in soccer.
  15. Nothing but more stupid bulls**t by stupid people.
  16. A Lab-Beagle mix? Not exactly on the list of aggressive dogs/breeds.
  17. Well said, my sentiments exactly.
  18. I teach a reading class of 20 6th graders and almost half are flagged for special ed services. Many of these kids are behavioral issues, rendering the class virtually unteachable. It comes down to money; school districts cannot afford to properly staff schools with parapros or take difficult classes and turn them into special ed collaborative classes. Sadly, I think education is broken beyond repair.
  19. No amount of booze could fix that.
  20. This happens in public schools as well. If you don't teach what is considered an academic class and where I work, reading is an exploratory class, you do not receive help with these children. Sadly, their behavior disrupts learning for others and the majority of time is spent dealing with these kids. It's not fair, for teachers, students without this disability, and for the child with the disability.
  21. I agree with you. Dogs are certainly more caring and loyal.
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