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Everything posted by TJB

  1. Damn, why does this topic have to be in the internet cafe.
  2. This is her last performance and it's pretty sad. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/music/2011/07/23/2011-07-23_watch_amy_winehouses_last_performance_may_have_been_warning_sign_for_troubled_ar.html
  3. I assume Marcus Bachmann wasn't there. Perhaps he was at a Liza Minelli Concert or his meeting for the Lady Gaga fan club. I don't know if Marcus Bachmann is gay but why does his cell phone ring tone play It's Raining Men?
  4. Yankee Carpetbagger? Really? The Civil War, I mean the War of Northern Aggression has been over for a long time now. Just tell them the North won and it's time to move on.
  5. I'm sure she didn't want to hurt her family. Addiction is horrible and some can get clean, others can't. It has to be difficult when someone has a lot of money and people willing to give them drugs or leech off them to get high themselves.
  6. Sorry, I didn't realize this topic was already posted.
  7. Should have stayed in rehab.
  8. This is not a huge surprise. http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/music/20110723/EU.Obit.Amy.Winehouse/?cid=hero_media
  9. I like Celebrity Rehab. Amy Fisher is the most, vapid, self-absorbed, douchebag I've ever seen.
  10. Significant weather advisory for Paulding http://www.weather.com/weather/alerts/localstatealerts/?areaid=GAZ031&phenomena=TSG&office=KFFC&etn=60e1144256a9ff4ea51f464ee0c5f5d363ab6cd6&significance=Y&wxlayer=radar&zoom=7&camefrom=national
  11. From what I've read, politicians in Great Britain are quite happy over Murdoch's demise.
  12. Some coincidence a major whistle blower dies 1 week after exposing this story
  13. I agree with you. I think TP was trying to say that African American teachers were targeted. You may not agree with TP, but I don't think he's a racist; nothing in his posts have ever indicated as such.
  14. Once the Viagra or Cialis kicks in. LOL
  15. Well said. I have worked with some fine teachers in Ga. and N.Y. but have worked with some poor ones but not many. While being a permanent substitute teacher and working on my Master's degree, I interviewed teachers for a research project (thesis). This school was among the top school districts in the country. A 20 yr. veteran teacher said the following, "a good student can overcome a bad teacher, but it's very difficult for a good teacher to overcome a poor student". We are teachers not miracle workers; if a student has many academic, social, and psychological issues we can give it our best e
  16. Marc Anthony can actually sing and J-Ho is an average actress and poor singer.
  17. Check out this article Atlanta Schools Created Culture Of Cheating, Fear, Intimidation http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/16/atlanta-schools-created-c_n_900635.html
  18. Well at least they won't sing together anymore.
  19. She's not my cup of tea by a longshot, but she can play and sing, even Billy Joel acknowledged this in an interview.
  20. Lots of things go on in city school systems that the public never hears about. I worked in a school in N.Y. where a music teacher had her hand slammed in the door of her classroom by a student. When she spoke of pressing charges, administrators kept coming into her room and threatening her with bad observations. Principals purposely fudge numbers on such incidents so they look better. Social studies teachers were told to give points to students on the essay portion of the state assessment. I tried to report this incident after I left, but nothing came of it. Unscrupulous administrators run ra
  21. C'mon Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson are fine thespians.
  22. Absolutely. One thing I've learned about education is good and right rarely win. Those who lack character and are willing to throw others under the bus do quite well.
  23. I worked in a large city school system and administrators behaved unethically on a regular basis. If you chose to speak out, you were targeted, especially teachers without tenure.
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