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Everything posted by TJB

  1. If you like 70's music, The Bridge on Sirius/XM is great.
  2. TJB

    RIP Barney

    I never cared for Bush but my heart goes out to him and Laura. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20130201/us-obit-barney-the-scottie/?utm_hp_ref=homepage&ir=homepage
  3. There are no brakes on a boat. Things happen much faster on the water.
  4. Will the photographers be looking for a money shot?
  5. If he passes, I wonder if he's on the organ donation list?
  6. I agree 100%. It seems to me the holly rollers are the biggest devils around.
  7. Some people work hard at being the best asshole they can be. At least they have aspirations.
  8. You are the Bible Belt's worst nightmare. Cool.
  9. Bewbies are the debil.
  10. Can you look at boobs on Sunday?
  11. Thanks for keeping me abreast. I like boobies and beer.
  12. While I sympathize with you over the fact you had an alcoholic father, as did I, responsible adults should not be penalized. I also disagree with your Chick-Fil-A analogy because as a private business they have a right to be closed on Sunday. I think people are pissed because of the timing of the vote and the way it's been buried, instead of having the vote with other issues as well. For those who are civil libertarians or atheists, this seems an awful lot like religion sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. You have the right to vote no but the issue shouldn't be hidden like it has. This
  13. Your post proves what a complete and utter imbecile you are. I thought conservatives were the party of personal liberty and responsibility. This has everything to do with religion and the right wingers' desire to impose religious values by getting involved in personal matters they have no damn business being involved in.
  14. Because she is a religious loon who claims to be a conservative but wants to be involved in aspects of peoples' personal lives that she needs to butt out of. So much for individual liberty.
  15. I hope the students in Arizona tell the state government to fu*k off.
  16. When your religious convictions interfere with my personal freedom, I will tell you and your religion to butt the hell out. I think religion was designed to control people; the first form of government. By telling people there's a an omniscient being that sees and hears all things we do and will strike you dead if you don't follow its wishes but loves you, is a big scam. Quite frankly, I think the reason many so called "religious" people go to church on Sunday is to make up for the horrible people they are the rest of the week. Once again, you can believe in the pretend man in the sky if you c
  17. I just watched Silver Linings Playbook and I really liked Jennifer Lawrence. I think she'll be around for a while.
  18. I respect your right to follow whatever religion (cult) you want and you have every right not to drink if you don't want to, but why should others have to have your beliefs imposed on them? Where in your book of fiction does it say alcohol is against God's wishes?
  19. They'll just try to steal votes by changing the electoral college.
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