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Everything posted by TJB

  1. It was the end of June and it was hot as a mothertrucker. He was brilliant but shortchanged in other areas.
  2. The salutatorian during my high school graduation upon receiving his diploma proceeded to lift up his gown, only to have nothing on underneath. He wound up losing his full college scholarship and also had small equipment. I guess he was screwed in more ways than one.
  3. It sounds like someone could be Phuked if they decide to live there.
  4. If you like,I guess you could homeschool your children ; telling them the world is flat and only 6,000 years old.
  5. People could use dental dam, but as shown in this clip it has its inherent dangers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3EseGKxExM
  6. TJB

    random videos

    Love that show. Darryl Hall as a great voice and I like the variety of artists.
  7. My wife has a picture of her grandfather and he's rocking the Hitler mustache. I don't think someone could pull that look off now.
  8. We all get you're pissed the wrong guy with the wrong party is in office, but comparing Obama to Hitler is asinine and you know that.
  9. I think naming your child Jefferey Dahmer would be better, although parents might be leery if he invited friends for dinner.
  10. And all the while I thought cunnilingus was a city in Ireland?
  11. TJB

    random videos

    While you're the Elvis Costello theme, check this out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQMlEzz51y0
  12. Sometimes it's better to pull out too soon. Just ask Evander Holyfield.
  13. I saw Jenna Jameson on a grilled cheese sandwich.
  14. This topic went down the sh*tter a long time ago.
  15. I thought the video was touching; a friend of mine shared it with me.
  16. While I disagree with you, you haven't called gay people queers or other derogatory terms, which I think is the thing people were pissed about in the first place. Your views are different than mine, but you haven't been rude about it. For what it's worth, I repsect that.
  17. This is more than a religious issue, it is also a civil rights one as well. If religious organizations want to insert themselves into political and civil rights issues, it's time to take away their tax exempt status.
  18. I'm dedicating this to Rhett http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlVBg7_08n0
  19. This happened in the last couple of weeks. When I ate there, they had just taken over, so they were working with the old menu and it wasn't good, but hopefully it will be better.
  20. Sexuality is not a choice and being a scumbag is. You are the latter.
  21. So is it o.k. to call the person who started this thread a dumbass and claim this is used in everyday convsrsation?
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