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Everything posted by michelay1000

  1. You can still do the emoticons if you type the codes You can still do the emoticons if you type the codes
  2. Yes McKenna Farms on Due West Road near 92.
  3. Paulding County Schools are closed tomorrow
  4. I love the CYA game the Governor & Mayor are playing right now.
  5. I will not panic and I will still be working as long as my phone and internet doesn't go out on me.
  6. Please get it checked just in case. I really prefer my friends to have all of their limbs if possible
  7. Maybe $14.99. Last year if you were under a certain AGI they were both free.
  8. TurboTax is free with free e-filing if you make under $32,000 I think.
  9. Hooters or Buffalo Wild Wings
  10. I though no child left behind prevented that
  11. I hope you get to feeling better Surepip. Do you and Mrs Surepip need anything?
  12. How did your uncle find out how much he was getting?
  13. I find it interesting that he died on the same day, in the same city, and by the same thing as Sid Vicious.
  14. Did we not hear the amateur meteorologists say this last week
  15. I was thinking that too, but apparently I am one of the few heartless ones here.
  16. http://igotmyrefund.com/2014-irs-e-file-refund-cycle-chart/
  17. 50 bags of heroin will do the damn job whether it was laced or not. ALL heroin is bad not just these "bad batches".
  18. I like the bigger screen so I can watch tv in bed without my glasses.
  19. I am taking a FB break because it is literally every.other.post. He always annoyed me. I do find it sad that he had been clean for 23 years. There is no such thing as "a little heroin". R.I.P. I will say a prayer for his family.
  20. That sounds amazing. I haven't thought past the buffalo chicken dip.
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