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Posts posted by lulu

  1. This is just hear-say but I heard that the owner of the building doesn't do a very good job of fixing things when they're broken. I heard that when Brooks Family Rest. was there that the refrig, stove or something kept breaking and he wouldn't fix it and all the equipment in the building belongs to him. Don't know if all that's true or not but it may be why so many restaurants come and go there!! From what I heard Brooks Family was a very good place.

  2. I guess all this just shows how men and women differ in their thinking. It is really funny to me. My husband will wear pink, purple, or any color but when I asked him if he thought Russell Crowe was good looking, I got that "you are from another planet" look!!


    I also thought it was a universal thing myself. Some people are attractive no matter what sex they are. But that doesn't mean I'm a lesbian!

  3. I was having a discussion over the Gladiator movie with Russell Crowe last night. I said, " I just don't think he's good looking at all but a lot of women do" And I asked my husband if he thought he was good looking. He said, "I don't know- I don't look at guys"

    SOOOOO ...

    That got me wondering.. How come I can say that a girl or a guy is good looking, pretty, etc. but when you ask a man about another guy they say they don't know??? Is it a man thing???


    Girls- test it out on your guys and see what they say!

    Ask them if they think__________ is a good looking guy and see what they say.

  4. :o I saw something like that in a rabbit in Blue Ridge last summer. We were riding around and it was hopping around in a yard. I wish I would have had my camera. It had a normal face then it had a face like on the side or something. It was weird!!! We stared at it for like 20 minutes trying to figure it out.
  5. We should start a recipe forum where we exchange recipes (easy ones) I printed one off back in August of 2004 from EllenofDallas. It was for Ground Beef Stroganoff. I made it last night and it was GREAT!!! It would be cool to do that if everyone would join in!! What do ya'll think??? :)

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