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Ernest T Bass

Mayberry Sheriff
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Everything posted by Ernest T Bass

  1. Happy Birthday, Pubby! I hope that you had a great one!
  2. Y'all go see Mary at The Endless Yard Sale today. There's not a nicer lady anywhere and you'll find LOTS of great merchandise there! And 25 percent off for PCOM members -- How can you beat that??? ETB
  3. Help out the local economy by visiting a small business today. If you haven't been through the directory lately (top left of every Paulding.Com page), then take a look at who-all is in the area and who-all needs your support. How about if a small business has lower prices than the nationwide chain stores? Would you go? If the quality is as good, or better, and the prices are lower -would you go? If the service is better - Is that an incentive for you to support small business? If the total shopping experience is better - why not support these businesses with your support, especially whe
  4. Step on a back - Break yore momma's crack!
  5. Maybe "used" or "display samples" are an option, when there are money constraints?
  6. If you have any product or service that you want to promote, you can't do better than Paulding.com If you could invest a dollar and get a ten dollar return - would you do it? If the answer is no, then business might not be your thing! The great thing about Paulding.com is that once a merchant becomes a Biz Member(It costs about $150 or so), that merchant can come on here every day and place an ad for free for the whole year! Just as importantly - That advertisement goes out on the internet to anyone doing a search of those terms! So your advertisement isn't limited to
  7. Johnny J is a really great guy to know in person! The world needs MORE Johnny J's! I'm wishing for a speedy, full recovery for JJ!
  8. What I'm hearing you say is that you read certain information right here on this board and you took it to be the truth. I think that I pretty well discredited the rumor that mods are interchangeable in my epic poem, "It's me, It's me - Ernest T." I'll add: I'm not Sam Drucker -- or Reverend Tucker! I'm not ANY of the other Mrs. OR Misters Not even one of the Bradley Sisters! I'll be happy to answer all of your queries - I hope that I named all of the folks in this series!
  9. Ain't nobody else Ernest T. Bass, I can guarantee you that! And I ain't never been nobody but Ernest T. Bass! It's ME, It's ME! It's Ernest T! Not Aunt Bea -- to that I can attest! Not Goober or Gomer (who makes citizen's arrests) Not Otis, the town drunk - not on your life! Not Andy, the sheriff or Bernard P. Fife! Not Sarah, or Opie, that cute little tike Not Thelma Lou, not Floyd or even Mayor Pike! I've never been John Masters, Rafe (not much of a talker) or that cute little druggist named Ellie Walker! Not Daphne or Skippy (the Fun Girls) and never Mr. Schw
  10. It's not real, a spam/scam/hoax. Topic Closed.
  11. Don't smoke them, JohnnyJ! Don't cave in to temptation the day after you decide to quit. That doesn't even qualify as quitting! '69? I vaguely remember '69! Let us know what you learn at school
  12. Subby, lemme know if you need a front man to go along with your background pianny-playin'. Here's an audition tape from youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lbdm2vsDYWk
  13. Everyone be careful when you get out this weekend! There's still a lot of ice on the roads and it's difficult to see the black ice at night.
  14. PWilhelm DID move to Minnesota. On a related note, she hasn't been heard from lately.
  15. But you could be the next Aunt Bea!
  16. Welcome Brian Wallace! Make sure that you contact LPPT about a paid Biz Membership so that you may begin advertising on Paulding.com Here's her ( I know - her name has no vowels! ) profile: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/user/15671-lppt/ ETB
  17. Let He Who Has Done No Wrong Cast The First Stone! That would be me, me, Ernest T!!!
  18. Insults fly Bullets fly Then ByeBye On this thing let's keep a lid Don't do nothin' - Just say ya' did! ETB
  19. All of your reports came through fine!
  20. A Moonlight Serenade! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lbdm2vsDYWk "I don't chew my cabbage twice - And you ain't heard the last of Ernest T. Bass!"
  21. What Gomer said! The link for LPPT that Gomer provided has LPPT's contact information. Give her a call. She won't bite! Not over the phone, at least.... Commerce BIZ Membership is the best bargain anywhere! You can advertise here every day, at any time of the day! And the return on the $150 investment is realized in the first customer or two. After that -- It's all profit!!! Yahoooo!!!! Profit is good!!!!
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