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Everything posted by confederaterose

  1. DH said it was fun; but, he is never doing it again. He had to be there both Wed. and Thurs. He calls the wardrobe lady the inspector. The thing that aggevated him the most was that the extras kept getting on the cars, in the cars, proping on the them and trying to sit on the fenders. He could not understand why the lazy butts would be there and have such disrespect for privately owned cars that were worth many, many, many thousands of dollars. His mint car ended up with a two inch scrath on the fender and Dallas Collision only wants $10,000 just to paint the fenders. We went at day br
  2. Mandy Ann, I got the impression that A-Models are welcome, so long as they are original, or if rodded, not to the point that it would be obvious from the exterior. The only problem I see is that the rules says they must be there by 8AM today. I am not sure how strict they are on that since filming is not until Sunday. The only way I know to find out, is to take the car over there. I will warn you that there are a couple of things that stressed my DH. First the car has to be driven down a walking trail with only minimal room and he did not want any scratchs on the car. The other thing i
  3. How much is a load of crusher run? Do you have ground asphalt? If so, how much is a load of that?
  4. The AJC said that one of their main problems, was all the debt they took on when they took over Goldkist. Wasn't that a hostile take over and why would they go into so much debt to take over an excellent GA based company? My cousin is a very large grower in Comer. I have not spoken to them since I read this in the AJC; but, I know they are very upset. Everyone is so worry about the Big 3 and since they have shut down all or most of their GA plants, this is not too much of a GA issue. Construction and related business, such as carpet, etc. are biggies for GA, just as the poultry indus
  5. I was listening to the scanner when this came over the scanner. As I recall, it occured in the 8:30ish range, if you want to go back and listen to the archives.
  6. Check the Marietta Paper tomorrow. It was in there today but just said to be announced by Haney-Shelton. mdjonline.com
  7. There was an incident in my neighborhood this afternoon. I waited about 15 minutes and tried to go to Scan Paulding. It would not work. Tonight I tried to go to the archieves to see what happened and they are blank from about 2:50 to 5:50. The incident occurred around 3:10 or so. I counted 9 Sheriff's Deputies, with their assault rifles drawn, running down the street at one time. This is certainly disturbing and I would like to know what was going on. We could not even get out of our drive-way, due to Sheriff's cars. It seems that the house they were interested in, is about 100 yards o
  8. This came in as robbery in progess. Great job Paulding County Sheriff's Department. Two in custody.
  9. FreeBrid, I must say you do a good job with posting this information. With all the things going on, there was so much chatter that it was difficult to keep up with each case. With the 4 year old not breathing, the suicide and the man dropping his pants, at the same time, was it because of hit and run at 92 and E Paulding, that they were after a female susp. headed toward Mt. Tabor?
  10. I had the scanner on; but, I never could figure out what was going on or why.
  11. It seems the Deputies are getting really nice these days. There was an incident in my neighborhood, involving a 9 month old not concious or breathing. Of course, the mother wanted to go to the hospital with the baby. There was no one to take care of her 4 year old. The Deputy baby sat with 4 year old for at 3 hours, while the mother was at the hospital and before someone could get there to relieve him. I hope both these Deputies get letters of accommondation. Way to go guys!
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