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Everything posted by Riptides

  1. Yup, by law the refrigerant has to be captured out and the compressor tagged as such. Then there's the oil inside the cooling system, along with there being more plastic and insulation by weight than there is metal in the main box unit.
  2. Last time I found an asteroid I put a little Preparation H on it.
  3. They can take away my laser pistol after they pry the cold dead battery pack out of it.
  4. Well when you sit on the throne you REALLY sit on the throne!
  5. Well NUB is shorthand for NEWB which is shorthand for Newbie, which folks in the online gaming world call others who talk a bunch of sheeze but don't know chit.
  6. This one time I took LSD and had a hell of a trip, visited places you could only dream about. ;)
  7. Ambien has a very high potential for abuse. A friend of a friend of my mothers ended up doctor shopping for 3 years in order to enable her 20 plus pills a day habit. She was also ordering it illegally online and so on and so fourth. Was finally caught when pulled over driving her vehicle erratically and couldn't remember her name, where she lived, who she was married to, etc... She ended up doing a stint in rehab for it and everything. To this day her memory is impaired during the time she spent "addicted" to it, and she doesn't even acknowledge she was taking so much of the medication becau
  8. There's also the naval aviation museum in Pensacola on the Perdido side. Along with the forts, etc.. tons to do down there.
  9. Reminds me of the old Lockhorne cartoon where the wife comes in with 12 bags of "shopping" espousing about how much money she saved!
  10. I love paperless statements, I love being able to sign in online from my PC or while on the go from my Android phone and monitoring my bank/credit accounts. And I have to agree with other posters, this seems to be all about a lack of personal responsibility rather than having anything to do with not getting paper statements.
  11. Well you can always fall back on using fix-a-flat..
  12. Fully in agreement. Oil based products, which let's face it, looking around your home 90% of everything in it is directly from or a derivative of, are worth more as a usable/reusable/recyclable product than something that gets burnt up just for the sake of personal mobility. Because once it's gone, it's gone. The MIT whitepaper on the hydrocarbon as an electrical storage medium is very interesting to me for not only the science but also the application of. It goes as far as to suggest that vehicles would use this much like a fuel cell, the charged fuel would be in one tank and as it's p
  13. I can't stand the thought of eating one of these:
  14. MIT has successfully shown in lab studies that oil can be used in an advanced chemical process like a battery, storing energy, and when depleted be recharged. But things like this is decades, if not, half a century away, that is if it's viable and ever comes to fruition. The days of easy scientific discoveries and easy application are far behind us. And as LPPT noted any new energy transition is going to be difficult and an uphill battle.
  15. You mean like the infamous Ozarks boat crash where the driver, being a race boat driver, thought he could power through the wake in a Fountain speed boat that can hit 65mph. This crash is brutal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLVKyKy4Sx0
  16. It's pretty much known that going "off-grid" using solar with batteries is about as dumb as one can get, even with some type of wind power offsetting, because of the battery issue. Batteries will never be cost effective using current battery technology and any savings going solar will be negated by trying to have a battery backup system because it will need to be replaced constantly every 3-5 years. Most successful installations are done without any sort of battery power, when you over produce you can actually backfeed into the grid and get credits for it, or even written a check by the l
  17. Yeah but doesn't that pretty much cover ALL toilets?
  18. The discussions are hardly ever about any sort of hard science and generally devolve into folks spouting intellectually dishonest rhetoric that shares the common denominator of being pushed constantly by the right-whingers for decades now. Any facts or arguments to the contrary are generally met with cries of ignorance so it's rarely worth ever taking the time to engage in these sorts of discussion. Just because many of the attempts to PUSH these things to markets on a massive scale, through government funding, have failed do not equal the technology being fail at all. Solar systems have
  19. What if plants emitted oxygen!!! What if the oceans created water vapor!!! Think of the catastrophic results it could create!!!! What if they invented a vehicle that emitted sunshine, rainbows, child-like innocence, and the giggles of a baby? You'd spin it to FUD in a heart-beat. Remember folks when you have nothing to go on just speculate with Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.
  20. I'm surprised these days when I'm at a convenience store and DON'T see these products on/behind the counter. They can even be found at the large chain Pharmacys also near the tobacco section. Like anything the results are all up to you. Yes it can help, but be aware you're trading an unsafe nicotine delivery system (smoking) for a "safer" nicotine delivery system (vaping). But buying online via an etailer can allow you to be discerning as to the strength of the product, there have been results of folks weaning themselves off nicotine by slowly lowering the nicotine content in
  21. Most likely it's the flavorings in the e-liquid product, the most popular being "Tobacco" flavors. Or could be the smell of the liquid vapor, it's generally the same type of stuff used in fog machines and can have an acrid smell in massive amounts. Atomized nicotine doesn't actually have any discernible "smell" to it alone and most of the nicotine in the e-liquid, being miniscule to begin with by volume, will be absorbed into the person vapings lungs. So admittedly there can be an odor present when someone is vaping, but unlike smoke it will not cling to the person or anyone around
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