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Everything posted by tess

  1. septic guy told us the tide pods & charmin were the worst ....both of which we used and had to have pumped a few months ago
  2. Mecum is another of the high $$$ car auctions...Barrett- Jackson is the granddad of them though and has the best cars and coverage....they have the ones that are really rare and customs...
  3. my favorite husband is glued to the TV during the whole thing....then friends call and discuss the prices/condition/ etc...and remembering the ones they had just like it
  4. the difference between a ho & a wife is ....one gets paid by many the other just one....I have been getting paid for over 41 years by the same one...He pays my bills real well and keeps me off the streets
  5. I have been looking at the Kenmore dishwashers....but if I get one and I have to cook...it might be better just to keep the old one and eat out
  6. We think like this....why let them have your money any earlier than necessary....you do not get a reward for paying early
  7. I have found that there are few things that I really need anymore...I have all that is important to me....our family & home are my top priority ...I wish we had more time to enjoy what we have ...but work and the real world have to be taken care of too....I bet if you talked to the liquor store they might deliver if the order is large enough..I am so happy for you to have your new home and your Daughter moving soon...I know that is important to you...my family would be scared to give me ammo
  8. my point was that money does not make a person good or bad..
  9. looks like my floor when I forgot to put the garbage can on top of the counter when I had boxers....Glad your dogs loved their presents
  10. I want to believe there is good in people but I do not ignore that little voice that says "watch Out" if there is anything that does not seem right..
  11. glad you found what was really important...a good husband and a family...it is not all about the amount you make or the car you drive ...it is about the peace & love you have in your life....
  12. Is that the one that was taking you to Fiji ....buying you a Million dollar house ...and buying you a new Mercedes
  13. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas....We did ...all of the family was there except my SIL with a sore throat & a nephew that is a fireman...all the rest were there and had great fellowship & food..Hope all has a safe ...healthy...& Happy New Year
  14. make sure she does the Physical Therapy...I know a couple of people that had regular knee surgery and did not do it and the pain of getting their knees back to normal was brutal...good luck to your baby
  15. I want a new dishwasher but hubby said I had to start cooking first ...oh well I will just keep using paper plates...
  16. I use to say if it was for the house it was not my present...but now if it is something I wanted for the house it is great not everyone got that ...if it is what you needed or wanted....good deal I got a new TV that was larger so I did not have to wear glasses to watch...getting old sucks but the but the alternative is worse
  17. Merry Christmas to all ...and if it offends you....get over it...and go on....Merry Christmas to all & to All a good night
  18. years ago we went to Pugmire Lincoln Mercury & Mark Singleton Buick on the same day...we were driving one of our "work" cars since my new car was in the shop....We were thinking of just buying a new one to replace the one that had a blown engine with only 6,000 miles...Just sick of the hassle of taking it to the shop every week ....We were looking at a Mercury Cougar and the salesman took us over to the Mercury version of the Pinto...we said we did not want that one we wanted the Cougar...he just walked off....went to Mark Singleton and none of his salesmen in their 3 piece suits would ev
  19. Years ago an old man went to an auction in Carroll County & was bidding on the land up for sale...the ring man went over to him and said you do realize you have to pay 10% of the price when the auction ends ...he opened his bib on his overalls and said can I just pay all of it...it was filled with $1000 bills
  20. He was THE KING... he gave his all and asked for nothing in return except to give us eternal life
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