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Posts posted by thewebsterfamily

  1. Will there be anyone at the schools on Monday 12/22? My son forgot to turn in his 5th grade field trip payment and it was due today!!!


    I can't get the central office to anwer -- They say they are open till 5pm

  2. You have to have a hard drive to play old xbox games. While the Arcade console is a good console I would STRONGLY recommend buying an xbox with a hard drive that comes with it. Considering the arcade mode is $199 and the hard drive by itself is another $199. For the combined price of $400 you can go ahead and get the xbox 360 PRO edition. If you go to Walmart, game stop, or just about anywhere really you can get a pro with 2 game a controler and a headset. Also I would stongly suggest you buy whatever extended warranty that they offer with it. We bought my husbands xbox 360 pro a year after they came out. We had it for 2 years and last month it gave up the ghost. Of course it was no longer under warranty and Microsoft wanted $100 just to send it in. So when I had to replace it I bought it at walmart and paid the $20 extra for the extended warranty. Their warranty is better than Microsofts. HTH


    I bought another controller and a 20gighd for $38.15 total off Circuit City's website just now ---- I got the console off Dell's site for $202.00 total -- so for $240.15 I got an XBox 360 Aracade w/ Madden 09, 2 controllers, and a 20gig HD --- I hope I did well!!!

  3. Thank you so much for delivering a Thanksgiving meal to us tonight -- It was greatly needed since I spent 1/2 my afternoon at Children's Health Care with a sick kid!!!


    GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Don't the business also pay the county, not just the officer? That money would cover the wear and tear on the car. Nothing says your husband can't work on cars on his off days, just like these officers can protect us holiday dinner buyers on theirs.


    He can not use any county equipment at the shop for personal use PERIOD -- They have fired people who tried!!


  5. Here is my beef!!! The county pays for the gas and wear and tear on the cars while cops use them for part times -- The cop doesn't -- So in turn my hubby has to FIX them!! My major beef is that my hubby can't take our car to the county shop and use the lift to fix our car or use it to make extra money but the cops can use county property (car/gas/gun etc.) to make extra money -- DOUBLE STANDARD???

  6. We bought tickets already YIPPEE!!!!!!! I can't wait -- We are having a girls day -- Me, my 4 yr old, my sister in law, my 7 yr old niece and 3 yr old niece are going to have a tea party and then go to the ballet -- GIRL TIME!!!


    I can't wait!!!

  7. I don't think I've ever had her brunswick stew... :unsure: .

    Now I would loooooove her green bean casserole recipe. :wub: :lol:


    Call C I am sure she has it or someone has it -- It's probably still at her house -- Jerm lives there now -- Someone can get it I am sure!!!!!!

  8. This is my grandmothers recipe -- It ROCKS!!!!!!



    1 whole chicken or 4 or 5 chicken breasts cooked and meat picked off the bone.


    2 qts water chicken was cook in

    1 cup ketchup

    5 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

    1/8 tsp red pepper

    3 tsp margarine

    4 Irish potatoes (diced)

    4 cups whole kernel corn (2 cans)

    2 cups fresh or frozen okra (sliced)

    4 stalks chopped celery

    1/2 tsp garlic powder

    3 large onions

    salt and pepper to taste


    Combine chicken, broth and all ingredients in a large pot on the stove. Bring to a boil, cover and lower heat to simmer and cook until think --


    I add some BBQ sauce to mine --


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