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Posts posted by thewebsterfamily

  1. I am a notary and I do not charge so I will say that it is not something you are going to make a lot of money at it. So many places do this as a service for free to customers.


    I charge if it's someone I don't know -- I only charge a few bucks -- especially if it's a lot of signatures. But mainly I do it for freinds etc. and of course that is for free!

  2. Roosevelt in Pine Mountain ROCKS! There is lots to do down that way!


    Georgia Veterans in Cordelle ROCKS too! If you go you MUST ride the SAM Shortline!


    If you join the friends of the parks on the State of GA Parks website you get free camping, golf, and SAM Shortline tickets!!


    We bought the $100 membership last spring -- we went to Georgia Veterans, camped for 3 nights, rode the SAM Shortline and it paid for it's self!!


    We are going to one of the Parks near Savannah this spring break -- I can't wait!!!


    GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. Kirk Mellish is the ONLY weather guy in ATL to predict the 1980 something storm and the 1993 blizzard


    See what he has to say below about this storm!!! He is on WSB Radio


    I will use this page to do periodic updates. I will cover insights, and long-range outlooks and misc. things I don't have time on-air to talk about or which are too complex for radio.



    Not a lot new to add this evening most of below still applies. The expected storm, at its height, encompassing 1-2 million square miles will probably be about 60% as disruptive as the March 93 storm (FOR THE NATION NOT ATLANTA) with OH, PA, West VA, NY and adjacent areas being hardest hit by a foot or more and blizzard conditions, while severe weather will threaten near the Gulf Coast to FLA and the Eastern Carolinas and maybe SE GA. A snowflake could be seen in New Orleans and the Florida Pan Handle before all is said and done. It does not look like a lot of wintry mix or freezing rain with this system, more of a sharp rain or snow divide or rain changing over to or ending as snow. Not the best scenario for significant snow if you are in Atlanta. But the storm track will be more critical than usual, and its always critical. So how this plays out remains to be seen. Snow will probably break out in AR, West TN/KY Sunday night as the low forms South of TX in the Gulf then to near the mouth of the MS River onto South of Mobile before curving NE up the Fall Line/Piedmont then North to near DC to SE PA. The storm looks to explode once it is NE Past GA. But none of this is written in stone as I wrote below. I am sure model madness will continue which is why its pointless to try to pin point snow locations or amounts except where we think the storm will mature, but that's North of us as of now. So it is WAY too soon to panic, and way too soon to completely write it off.


    JAN 28.29: The potential snowstorm I've been blogging about since Sunday that some models initially showed for Friday has now been moved to Monday or Tuesday. All 3 Jet streams combine (jet coupling and ageostrophic adjustments) for a major planetary wave amplification over the Eastern USA next week could mean storm with 70% of the intensity of the Blizzard of 93-- DO NOT read that as Kirk is forecasting a blizzard in Atlanta that's not what I wrote. Because the projected system (does not exist in the real world right now!) also is similar to other HISTORICc Nor Easters like storms in 2000, 2006, 1978, 1996, and 1950 etc. that did NOT slam Atlanta. PRELIMINARY signs point to AR, MS, AL, TN, KY, NC, SC, VA with some ice for GA Mountains and a dusting or less for Atlanta but this could change. One thing worth noting is that there is now consensus that some "system" will develop over the weekend or Monday and it will probably be a monster for somebody, as it tracks somewhere across the South and East USA early next week. Virtually every model out there shows some similar low pressure and frontal system but of course track, timing, moisture and intensity all differ. The general idea is that a Gulf of Mexico low forms and track East near the Gulf Coast then turns up the East Coast as it cranks up while at the same time a new arctic front advances toward the developing system as a new upper level long wave trough forms East of the MS River. The low tracks from South TX to South of New Orleans to Mobile-Tallahassee then EITHER Jax FL North or NE inland over GA to New England. There is some energy shown on Sat imagery in the Southern Pacific trailed by a kicker system North of Hawaii plus vorticity impulses in the Northern Jet Stream so there is support in the obs data for something brewing. But keep in mind NO low exists right now. Its all a figment of the computers imagination if you will, a result of the equations. And at 5-6 days a way a lot can change. Sure this COULD be a big snow for somebody in Dixie and/or the East Coast, but its way-way-way to soon to make a realistic estimate as to where. I will say that the general pattern PREDICTED by the various algorithms is favorable in the general sense. BUT it is NOT yet the classic Atlanta snowstorm pattern as the thermal profile is far from ideal, the track uncertain and not ideal, and we don't yet know if this will be a so-called "Miller A" or "Miller B" storm, a suppressed "fish" storm, or a "Lakes Cutter" or "Appalachian runner". IF there is a storm at all. I think there WILL be a low, given all the model and data support, and the model run to run persistence and consensus for a couple days in a row now and multiple model runs. BUT the devil is in the detail and there is NO consensus on that at this point, and at least FOR NOW, I lean toward mostly rain, with at least some snow flurries on the back end as the polar plunge comes into the SE once again. This is because I favor more of an inland route up the Piedmont for 3 reasons. Cold dense air is not in place ahead of the storm but would have to move in just in time-this only rarely occurs. Model error this season has been too far SE with storm tracks so I adjust NW. Thirdly as the split flow jet energy phases into one long-wave trof, the system goes from neutral to negative tilt, so it gets drawn North toward the dropping Arctic air core and arctic short-wave favoring more of the climatological Chattanooga express path. Of course, I could be wrong and it wont phase, or will phase later further East and North, or "bomb" out (bombogenesis) with enough dynamic cooling, lift and frontogentic forcing and backlash to be a biggie here. It could even never phase and just stay weak with little action for anyone as it stays a flat wave and heads out into the Atlantic. Regardless, most models favor a discharge of cAK air from Canada to the Keys between Feb 1-4. As is always the case, in the days ahead, the models will do their typical cha-cha-cha of giving and taking away and swapping roles etc. The weatherman says somethings on the move, but I am not willing to howl at the moon at this juncture. The situation bears watching, and I will as I have since I first saw the snow threat last Sunday afternoon.


  4. Yep, it started off as Rain then Ice and then the Blizzard :o noone forecasted it either :lol:


    Kirk Mellish from WSB radio was the only person in ATL weather to predict the 1980 something snow and the 1993 blizzard


    Here is what he had to say about the upcoming weather



    Not a lot new to add this evening most of below still applies. The expected storm, at its height, encompassing 1-2 million square miles will probably be about 60% as disruptive as the March 93 storm (FOR THE NATION NOT ATLANTA) with OH, PA, West VA, NY and adjacent areas being hardest hit by a foot or more and blizzard conditions, while severe weather will threaten near the Gulf Coast to FLA and the Eastern Carolinas and maybe SE GA. A snowflake could be seen in New Orleans and the Florida Pan Handle before all is said and done. It does not look like a lot of wintry mix or freezing rain with this system, more of a sharp rain or snow divide or rain changing over to or ending as snow. Not the best scenario for significant snow if you are in Atlanta. But the storm track will be more critical than usual, and its always critical. So how this plays out remains to be seen. Snow will probably break out in AR, West TN/KY Sunday night as the low forms South of TX in the Gulf then to near the mouth of the MS River onto South of Mobile before curving NE up the Fall Line/Piedmont then North to near DC to SE PA. The storm looks to explode once it is NE Past GA. But none of this is written in stone as I wrote below. I am sure model madness will continue which is why its pointless to try to pin point snow locations or amounts except where we think the storm will mature, but that's North of us as of now. So it is WAY too soon to panic, and way too soon to completely write it off.


    JAN 28.29: The potential snowstorm I've been blogging about since Sunday that some models initially showed for Friday has now been moved to Monday or Tuesday. All 3 Jet streams combine (jet coupling and ageostrophic adjustments) for a major planetary wave amplification over the Eastern USA next week could mean storm with 70% of the intensity of the Blizzard of 93-- DO NOT read that as Kirk is forecasting a blizzard in Atlanta that's not what I wrote. Because the projected system (does not exist in the real world right now!) also is similar to other HISTORICc Nor Easters like storms in 2000, 2006, 1978, 1996, and 1950 etc. that did NOT slam Atlanta. PRELIMINARY signs point to AR, MS, AL, TN, KY, NC, SC, VA with some ice for GA Mountains and a dusting or less for Atlanta but this could change. One thing worth noting is that there is now consensus that some "system" will develop over the weekend or Monday and it will probably be a monster for somebody, as it tracks somewhere across the South and East USA early next week. Virtually every model out there shows some similar low pressure and frontal system but of course track, timing, moisture and intensity all differ. The general idea is that a Gulf of Mexico low forms and track East near the Gulf Coast then turns up the East Coast as it cranks up while at the same time a new arctic front advances toward the developing system as a new upper level long wave trough forms East of the MS River. The low tracks from South TX to South of New Orleans to Mobile-Tallahassee then EITHER Jax FL North or NE inland over GA to New England. There is some energy shown on Sat imagery in the Southern Pacific trailed by a kicker system North of Hawaii plus vorticity impulses in the Northern Jet Stream so there is support in the obs data for something brewing. But keep in mind NO low exists right now. Its all a figment of the computers imagination if you will, a result of the equations. And at 5-6 days a way a lot can change. Sure this COULD be a big snow for somebody in Dixie and/or the East Coast, but its way-way-way to soon to make a realistic estimate as to where. I will say that the general pattern PREDICTED by the various algorithms is favorable in the general sense. BUT it is NOT yet the classic Atlanta snowstorm pattern as the thermal profile is far from ideal, the track uncertain and not ideal, and we don't yet know if this will be a so-called "Miller A" or "Miller B" storm, a suppressed "fish" storm, or a "Lakes Cutter" or "Appalachian runner". IF there is a storm at all. I think there WILL be a low, given all the model and data support, and the model run to run persistence and consensus for a couple days in a row now and multiple model runs. BUT the devil is in the detail and there is NO consensus on that at this point, and at least FOR NOW, I lean toward mostly rain, with at least some snow flurries on the back end as the polar plunge comes into the SE once again. This is because I favor more of an inland route up the Piedmont for 3 reasons. Cold dense air is not in place ahead of the storm but would have to move in just in time-this only rarely occurs. Model error this season has been too far SE with storm tracks so I adjust NW. Thirdly as the split flow jet energy phases into one long-wave trof, the system goes from neutral to negative tilt, so it gets drawn North toward the dropping Arctic air core and arctic short-wave favoring more of the climatological Chattanooga express path. Of course, I could be wrong and it wont phase, or will phase later further East and North, or "bomb" out (bombogenesis) with enough dynamic cooling, lift and frontogentic forcing and backlash to be a biggie here. It could even never phase and just stay weak with little action for anyone as it stays a flat wave and heads out into the Atlantic. Regardless, most models favor a discharge of cAK air from Canada to the Keys between Feb 1-4. As is always the case, in the days ahead, the models will do their typical cha-cha-cha of giving and taking away and swapping roles etc. The weatherman says somethings on the move, but I am not willing to howl at the moon at this juncture. The situation bears watching, and I will as I have since I first saw the snow threat last Sunday afternoon.

  5. that 92 was shut down at 278 and Fitzgerald Street -- Isn't that near the REgions bank on 92?


    We have to go to Taylor Farm tonight -- we live in Acworth/Dallas area off 92 -- Should we take another way?


    We don't have to leave here till 5:15 normally!!!


    Any help would be appreciated!!

  6. This is soo sad!!! I know the Teem family. Jon and his brother Michael went to the daycare I worked at as a teenager. When we lived in Acworth we played ball with them. HOW SAD == Prayers for the whole Teem family!!!


    RIP Jon!!!

  7. Please take a moment to fill out the form on this website and send a letter to your representatives. And pass this around!!


    This law will make it illegal to sell kid's clothes and toys second hand unless they are tested for lead, which is very expensive.


    2nd had clothing stores will have to close

    giving clothes away will be illegal

    selling clothes/toys privately (like here) will be illegal

    The intention of this law is great, but it needs to be re--written ASAP to exclude private sales and resale shops.




    So do this now and pass this info around to your family and friends!

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