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Everything posted by footballbeerchic

  1. I think we are gonna break down & get one or the other. Nope, not big tv watchers, but I would like all the nerdy channels (Biography, Discovery, Nat Geo, etc.) Thanks!
  2. I lerv Waste Industries. We've had them over 2 years with recycling service but stopped the recycling & started taking ours to Nebo elementary.
  3. Please please come expose your genitals to me...so I can get out my glasses and shoot that button on a fur coat off.
  4. Qotsa has been to my house. I was skeert, but I survived.
  5. good to know, ihave2dogs.. Usually I yell something not very nice. Now I'd like to see who would win, my 4runner or a bikey bike.
  6. um, I just vote for the party and a stick.
  7. oh boy. I like cops. I know some really good ones! I was even married to one, but I don't like him. I'm still not sure about why the radar thingy is at the entrance of the hood when no one can really speed there. I welcome them to put it in my yard..okay, I know the ticket book was a bit much, how about a big stick I can hit the speeders with?? Please??????
  8. and that is the way I think about it also, but you have the Tour de Hiram coming through with no regard for any cars. Catch me on a really bad PMS day & I'd like to put a broomstick through the spokes.
  9. First one isn't so much a vent.. I was leaving my subdivision yesterday & on the main street there's a speed limit radar thingy. That's great! But the spot sucks. PCSO, please come put it in my yard...and give me a ticket book. Thank you. Second. You know the SCT crossing in Hiram where the caboose is? Okay, so the drivers have a stop sign & so do the bikers/runners, etc. Why don't they use their stop sign? Would that be considered a 4-way stop?
  10. Last week I was behind a car that pulled into my hood, it was a Crown Vic, had blue lights in the back window but no county tag...plus it was burgundy. Just wondering if it was a detective car but I thought they all had county tags? It didn't look like it used to be a county car, it was still practically new. I dunno. I'm not worried about it just wonderin..
  11. deerslayer, that's awesome! I got my stencils from http://www.bhg.com/holidays/halloween/pumpkin-carving/ and there's a deer head on there for next year, lol!
  12. I love yer punkin Sadie! I want to make one of those puking pumpkins every single year but I haven't yet. I think they are hilarious!!
  13. I am so proud of my Boston Terrier pumpkin!!! My lil one's cat and the "L" pumpkin.. for our last name
  14. speechless. What a bunch of weirdos.
  15. My dd goes there too. She sent me a text saying someone wrote on the bathroom wall that lots of ppl were going to die. I told her to get over it, that if someone is going to kill you they aren't gonna write it on the bathroom wall.
  16. I haven't been up there in a while, I'm sorta on Target restriction....
  17. Do NOT under any circumstance get a Cabrio washer. I have one and have had nothing but problems...
  18. sorry! Been out all weekend! My babies are just fine, thank you for asking!!! The GS have been quarantined for the 10 days but I haven't spoken to the owners. I am worried because the female had puppies but I'm not sure how old they are. They are beautiful! I haven't spoken to the elderly man who was bitten either, but he is a tough one, I just hate that he was attacked.
  19. That is very true, but did you see the link about the woman who had it for 12 years or something??
  20. hmm, Okay, AGG was looking for a place to get married. Then she said that SHE was getting married. Then someone didn't like marriage. Then that person got boo'd. Then it got mushy. Now it's us. <3.. just trying to help Sellersgirl figure it out.. not just thinking aloud.
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