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Posts posted by yankeeboy

  1. *****WOW whatever happened to staying on topic? This thread has turned into a joke. If you people want to keep the incumbent, great we will be keeping folks in power who have no common sense. I for one can't name one piece of legislation the incumbent has passed or sponsored that helped Paulding County...anybody can name one? at least one of significance??? anyone??? I am waiting??????

    • Like 4
  2. Funny because I spoke with him also. Cell number 478-231-XXXX. And, I stand by what your colleagues have said about you.

    I see the silly season has started.

    OK so whats your point???? Do you really want to find out for yourself or are you going to throw out names and phones number???

    We can all do that. So if your point in this posting is to go after character and not get real facts continue to post your accusation and stay with the current incumbent. Sounds like you two are a perfect fit. Hence part of the current problem.

    • Like 2
  3. First I would like to disclose I am a friend of Melissa's, so no accusations of political shillings I am going to give you my opinion. Regardless if you have an 'R' or 'D' or none of the above perspectives.

    I met Melissa about 2-3 years ago and she is a fantastic human being. 95% of what has been posted in reference to this subject matter is all 'background noise'. Go ahead and continue to waste you time on nonsense, if you really want to know what she is about "TAKE HER UP ON CALLING HER AND OR MEETING HER"!!


    She is the real deal, enough nonsense business as usual. For too long both parties have gotten complacent, we need to restore Constitutional Independent Conservatives to right this mess that we not only as a nation or a district and as a people need to do.


    We have far too many 'real' problems to deal with and the first order of business is to send someone like Melissa to the Capitol in Atlanta to point us in the right direction. So if you want to keep going in the current direction (OFF a cliff as far as I am concerned with)then keep the STATUS QUO.


    Argue about GRTA, Marta, prior hear say, she said, he said, then continue doing what you are doing.

    If you want to restore our nation/district as our forefathers had laid out and intended for us, I urge you to meet Melissa and make your decision then. If you decide she is the one then HELP her get elected.


    If you are interested in a real discussion with me gladly PM me.

    • Like 1
  4. My grandmother is in the advanced stages of alzheimers and needs more care than we can give. If anyone has any info on a nursing home I would really appreciate it. Also, if you can say a little prayer or just give good vibes that would be wonderful. Thanks, Mrs. Yankeeboy

  5. I have a bunch of stuffed animals that the kids are no longer interested in. Does anyone know where I can donate them? I know Goodwill but I wanted to give them to a place where children could use them ( and not have to buy them). Does that make sense??


    Thanks, Mrs. Yankeeboy

  6. I took in a pregnant stray cat around March. All her kittens are gone now and she needs a home. I've kept her this long so she would learn "the fine art of being a house cat". :p She's a very good girl, uses her litter box and doesn't beg for food at the table anymore. She really needs a forever home. Her name is Lisa and when you call her she comes running. She's not fixed yet, but if you adopt her I will have her fixed before you take her. I would prefer not to take her to the shelter, because I know they have their hands full of cats. You can see her pic here. She's a very young cat.





    Thank You Mrs. Yankeeboy



    Forgive me if you can't see her pic, sometimes I'm a bit of a goober.

  7. :blink:

    So b/c there are less fundamentalist, extremists who get caught doing things in the name of Christianity that makes it OK?  :unsure:


    I'm sorry, but politics and religion go hand in hand and have from the beginning.  The extremists in ANY religion are the ones who cause problems w/in society when they begin forcing their beliefs on others.


    Your missing the point our schools, churches and social circles are not instructing us to kill non christians, you shoud read the thread "War on Terrorism" Nanny started the post today @2:20 pm.

  8. Surepip,

      I'm not a muslim, but I found an Islamic Glossary website.

      Here is the Islamic definition of the Qur'an, the "Holy book" of the muslims.


      I appreciate your post and I understand what you were saying, however, if verses from the Qur'an can't be quoted here, how are we to have a discussion about the Islamic faith?

      If, as the definition of the Qur'an says, the muslim holy book can't be translated, then this thread will accomplish nothing.

    Even if there are muslims who are on the board and will help us "understand" the Islamic faith, how will we know it isn't just propoganda since the only way we CAN read would be a translated version? I'm not trying to argue, but how WOULD we know? If a "former" muslim posts, someone will say they are taking verses out of context. And if a practicing mulsim posts, well... same thing, so we as non-muslims will still be in the dark. Does anyone on this board understand Arabic?

      I think though, as for the verses from the Qur'an I quoted earlier, we all know the women in the muslim religion ARE oppressed. It's been too widely reported.  We've all seen interviews from muslim women here in the States who have told of the horrible ways women are treated in that  religion.

    So, I don't really think the verses were taken out of context and twisted in the way some take verses from the Bible and twist them.


    Maybe Yankeeboy will come back on and at least help us out with some of the commonly used terms of the mulsim religion.



    Islamic Glossary Home


    Other Commonly Used Spellings: KUR'AN


    The holy book of Qur'an is called the Qur'an. It was revealed unto Muhammad (s.a.w) from Allah through angel Gabriel (Jibril) for a period of 23 years. There is only one Qur'an in the whole world and it is in Arabic language. The Qur'an has one text, one language, and one dialect. It has been memorized by millions of Muslims in different parts of the world.

    The Qur'an is composed of 114 Surah (chapters). It is to be read and recited with rules and regulations. When to be touched and to be recited, a Muslim is to be in a state of cleanliness and purity.

    The authenticity and the totality of the Qur'an have been documented and recognized. The Qur'an can not be translated at all as the Qur'an is the exact words of Allah. Any translation is considered to be the explanation to the meaning of the Qur'an.

    The Qur'an is so rich and comprehensive in matter that it can easily guide men and women in all works of their life. It is the ultimate source of guidance for people in all aspects of their spiritual and material lives.

    The names and attributes that are given to the Qur'an in the Qur'an speak for themselves. The Qur'an is also described to be bounteous, glorious, mighty, honored, exalted, purified, wonderful, blessed, and confirming the truth of previous revelations. The Qur'an has practically proved the truth and effectiveness of all of its names and epithets in the life of all true believers, who practiced its teachings sincerely and devoutly.

    The Qur'an has a Universal appeal, regardless of people's color, creed, nationality, and geographical divisions of the world. The goal of life, as addressed in the Qur'an, is to live according to what Allah has created us for, which is to worship Allah, and to obey his commandments in this life, which are of course, in the interest of people, and to gain going to Heaven and escape going to Hell in the hereafter. The real success is going to Heaven and the real failure is going to Hell, as the Qur'an states.

    Those who are entirely lost in their material gains and luxury, without cultivating their spiritual and moral qualities, are declared by Allah (s..w.t.) to be like animals, rather worse than them. The ones who do not believe in Allah or follow His commandments are also described in many places of the Qur'an to be dead, deaf, mute, and blind. The real living, hearing, speaking and seeing are caused by the true belief in the heart. So our need for learning, studying, and following the Qur'an should come before our need for breathing, drinking and eating to survive, because life without such guidance is a miserable life that leads to eternal punishment.



    The Koran was written in Arabic, Arabic in it self is a very hard language to translate. Regardless of who does the translating it cannot correctly be translated without losing some of its true intent/content.


    The basis is really this simple, your life is like a scale you do your best to be at least 51% good and maybe the merciful Allah will let you enter heaven. So even if you do everything a devote moslem is suppose to do there is still the mercy of Allah if you are worthy to enter.


    There is a great book out called "Unveiling Islam" {amazon.com) by Mehmet Caner. He is from Turkey and does a really great job explaining Islam from it origins to today. It also explains his struggles with it and why he is now Christian.


    Islam also broke into 2 sects, that is either Sh'ite or Sunni. majority in the world are Sunni (followers of Muhammad). Sh'ite (much more strict interpetation) are mostly concentrated in Persia (you guessed it modern day Iran). Sh'ite was a offshoot from I believe Muhammads brother in law or uncle.


    Sh'ite is were the modern day fundamentalists are being bred from (mostly). The Koran can be discussed and you can review it with all of these translation and details. But more important is were is Islam today? It unfortunately is being uses as a vehicle for terrorism by Islamic nations that have failed there citizens. By the way there is no such word (citizen/civilian) in arabic. I believe in our lifetime we are going to see countries such as Saudi Arabia collapse but the fact is that their citizens have not been take care of (failed political structures......... LACK OF DEMOCRACY, and failed economies) latter not the case in Saudi Arabia.


    So its great to see everbody copying "details" about it but what is it today?, how are we related to it today?, what affect does it have on the world today?




  9. CW411,

    I am not trying to incite. What I was hoping for was some genuine communication and discussion without chasing anyone away. I am open to suggestions of some other ways to initiate a topic. I was actually hoping some practicing Moslems would respond in defense of Islam, but as you suggested I may have already scared them off instead.


    Suggestions anyone ?


    you didnt scare me.

  10. Surepip,

       I appreciate this topic as it is one that I'm sure most of us could stand to be enlightened on.  I do wish however that you would have worded the title a bit differently.  How would a Christian take it if the post was titled "Is Christianity a religion of terrorists?"  If there are Muslims on this board I doubt they would want to respond to a title like that.  If they did it would likely be in anger or disgust.  Should we judge all Christians by the actions of Eric Rudolph?


    Any religion taken to fundamentalist extremes can be, by its very nature, dangerous.  This stems from the "my way is the only way" attitude taken to nth degree: "we are right and are willing to prove it to you by destroying anyone or anything that stands in our way".  Historically, Muslim extremists haven't cornered the market on that attitude.



    Any yes where is Eric Rudolph? In jail, there are far more fanatic Moslems then there are Eric Rudolphs'.

  11. Ok, I really need to butt in here. The definition of Islam provided by Lesley is a very "antiseptic" view. What you have is a description of how Islam may have started. Islam today is very different from what you have just read. What has happened is that islamic nations has taken the religion and tangled it into their politics and way of life. What is being taugh today in some mosques, social gathering, political debate and yes schools... Islam is the answer to everthing. These nations have mostly failed their citizens because of either failed political structures or failed economies. No they are not quite like us, in this country you are free to practice Islam. Try praying to Jesus Christ in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, it will get you killed. Our society doesn't dicate whom you should pray to. In islamic nations it is only to Allah you have as the one true god. Many people say our God is there God, not so. Most moslems that I know when asked is their God the same as ours.. most say no. I have traveled to some moslem countries and worked for the dreaded United Nations (embarrased to even admit), most of these islamic nations not only hate us because we are Christian but also hate our way of life.. primarily our free republic. This is an inseperable fact. The UN itself loathes the U.S.A and I for one think it should be kicked out of the U.S. You as a Christian may be taugh to love everyone but that teaching is not embraced by all.


    So are there good moslems... yes, but unfortunately most remain silent to all of these terrorist acts against others. There silence is very deafing to me, if the faith is as peace loving as they claim then there should be loud condemnation against these acts. Where are they? Peoples' perception then becomes one of huh.. if they are silent then maybe they agree with these acts. I am not saying all muslims are like this but fanatical Islam is a growing problem that will not go away. 1 Billion moslems and counting, it is the fastest growing religion in the world. Europe is a good example of pacifing this problem. Currently the European population is slowing down and Secularism has take over, there really is no room for religion. Now there is a large influx of moslems from northern Africa into Europe, later it is quite possible that Islam may be the largest practiced faith on the continent. Plus birth rate are dropping in Europe but yet the migration of moslems are increasing and reproducing at a pretty strong clip.


    Sorry so long but I have had my own personal experience with Islam. For you see my mothers side of the family is.. moslem. I for one have long denounced/renounced and rejected it.


    Yankeeboy out, I would be happy to further discuss with anyone. :)

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