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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Did you forget to glance today???
  2. I nominate Subby for his brilliant water topic last night!
  3. I would assume this admission is part of her healing. She was once a child star on One Day At A Time. Her parents' were in a once famous band called the Mamas and the Papas...
  4. MacKenzie Phillips will be her guest and she will be talking about her life and biography. Sounds like she has had a hard life...
  5. Your siggy might be scaring them!
  6. I'm not trying to enforce anything. Reading duplicate topics get old...
  7. Welcome to Pcom! You are now in my thread (topic). You will learn the ropes fast, it is easy and fun!
  8. So you take the mods for granted...
  9. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...c=223692&hl=
  10. Do you ever read through the threads to see if your topic is a duplicate?
  11. Not to worry, 0bama will handle our needs...
  12. The Lick Skillet area will be transformed into the infirmary for the various diseases contracted throughout the park. All antibiotics will be soft served in waffle cones. Come on down and lets enjoy this truly WET experience!!!!
  13. Football is serious business in these parts...
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