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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I honestly couldn't care less if she worshiped Spongebob. Also, I do not see anywhere in this thread where anyone said she didn't help her fellow man... This thread is taking a comical twist.
  2. Were they able to get a license plate number?
  3. I love the round bassinets. They are beautiful...
  4. Funny that the thread went in the direction it did...
  5. Voilence IS more likely the break out at a strip joint as opposed to on an airplane. I understand exactly what she means... Any kind of faith or lack there of is unrelated, actually...
  6. You make that perfectly clear in several threads. Why the need to keep telling us this? We know, we know...
  7. The news last night said he was a co owner so who knows, lol...
  8. Where did you find you statistic, just wondering. I think it is on the way high side. As for the number of kids he already had I think you are correct. I sure wouldn't want my daughter engaged to a man with six kids, that frequented strip clubs...
  9. Same here I thought it was from head injuries from a brawl...
  10. Unfortunately, I guess Kandi's mom was right about him after all...
  11. Went to Brusters while ago and saw the moon. I immediatly thought of you, I kid you not...
  12. Completely unplug it. Plug back in and try again. Sometimes mine just needs to be reset...
  13. Unless you know this as truth you should not post this information. It sure could hurt a business...JMO
  14. Is it MacFarlanes's (sp?)? I read in another thread where they had to close today for continued septic problems...
  15. Silverware would make a great picture for restaurants. Or you could try beer mugs...
  16. Go for it. Most of us here are crazy!
  17. Ex-fiance dies: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,559522...test=latestnews
  18. Nice! Try one with the jewelry you make...
  19. When I was seven I witnessed a train wreck. I can still see the accident plain as day in my mind. The train came around a curve and hit a stalled car on the track spinning the car causing the car to hit the driver who was trying to get a baby out of the backseat. The baby made it out with major bruises and the driver lived but was admitted to a mental hospital. I remember my dad was a witness in court for this accident...
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