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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Great job. What was the most painful, though. The stading in the dandelion?
  2. I dunno. Wonder if they make homemade clothing detergent...
  3. The media keeps saying they are having problems with their marriage. I guess that blows that theory...
  4. Who catered this event?
  5. Girlie, you must be in a mood...
  6. Actually it didn't. Just trying to keep it out of the tonk...
  7. To heck with the pillows, check out that CUBICLE!!!
  9. I feel like I need to say this - Had BB been the one to discover this frayed flag, I feel certain she would have been the first one to take care of it and handle this properly and there would have been no mention of this on PCOM for any credit...
  10. Twerp just curious. I've never seen you specify if you are male or female. Which is it or is that a secret? As for the new flag, whoever took care of it, thank you...
  11. I wish it didn't enter mine, really I do... Point taken and I totally agree!
  12. Let me first say this, I have not problems with gays it is none of my business. I can't help but wonder though if these hot looking guys are gay or not. That just kinds of blows it for me...
  13. LMAO, you have got to be joking!!!! You did NOT just type that...
  14. I blame the parent in this case for not simply saying NO...
  15. I'm glad to see you like to laugh, too!!!
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