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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I have a friend that would be very grateful for this. I need to know exactly where this is and what you need to bring to qualify. Please someone post this information so I can call her...
  2. This is so sad. Prayers for this family...
  3. If you like it, hang it... It's your home and how you make it.
  4. She also brushes hers with egg whites, then seasons...
  5. Is that the same as a cut and highlight? If so, I would be interested...
  6. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...c=227761&hl= <~~That one...
  7. Great to here and glad y'all had fun! Psssst go read the PCOM fun thread LR is going to have it in the TONK in no time...
  8. Do y'all always post about your toys? I don't
  9. Well that is good. I guess it could be much worse...
  10. Nah, but thanks...Wanna pass it on to the next poster?
  11. The other day in Publix there was a guy that came through the front door and loudly told a woman to get her F'in children out of the way. If that had of been me...
  12. Welcome back. You do know that Surepip is giving away laying hens?
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