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Everything posted by winston1972

  1. I am not philosophically opposed to adults looking at consentual, adult pornography. But, geesh, there is a time and place for everything- like the privacy of you own home!!!
  2. Internet and diet coke. I can live with out cell phones and cable.
  3. LOL! My dinner isn't quick and easy tonight. Hubby requested pizza tonight. I make the crust and sauce and grate cheese, chop fresh onions , etc. We are also having parmesan bread sticks to go with it.
  4. How about a treasure hunt in the house? Or some games- like musical chairs or twister?
  5. We're planning on cooking some lobster tails, scallops linguine and a cheesecake and staying home... I am going to get some candy for my little man too.
  6. My 2 1/2 son year old son got a bike with training wheels today. Since it was raining and cold, he was riding it in the house and I was chasing him pushing a tricycle around and around through the living room, kitchen and dining room. Fortunately it didn't do too much damage to my back..
  7. My little man is feeling much better today. He is eating, playing and running all over the place. He must have had a 48 hour intestinal bug. No nasty diapers today, so far.
  8. I hope their baby survives and has no adverse affects of being born premature. I hope she isn't already pregnant with #20.
  9. Very true BB. No wonder it sometimes takes years for a case to come to trial and that is in no one's best interest.
  10. Please do. I'd love to know what other lawsuits citizens have filed against the County. I'm very interested in open and transparent gov't at all llevels.
  11. Not my lawsuit or place to share details but will be sure to share the request with the originators of the lawsuits.
  12. I didn't think they have ever aired the citizens comments at the end of the BOC meeting on Channel 16. and Surepip- your case is not unique. I am hearing of others pending lawsuits that I (and others) am pretty sure will be handled in a similar manner.
  13. My husband's grandmother fell a while back and broke her hip and is now in a nursing home in another state. My husband has power of attorney and we have now have cleaned out her mobile home in Marietta and have someone interested in buying it. We think all that is needed is to find the title (like a car) or get a replacement and give them a bill of sale. We think the trailer is a 70's or 80's model. Would there even be a title? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  14. It's not a misprint. Just our local gov't trying to crack down on dissent. Believe me there is a lot out there and hoepfully it will come out...
  15. My son came down with an intestinal bug yesterday. He's home from daycare today.
  16. Mine went from $180 to $280 but I had 5 extra billing days and my gas bill from $70 to $148. Not too bad, I suppose but next month will be tight since I had a $300 plus car repair.
  17. Don't forget the coupon clippers discussing the deals they got on the lightbulbs!
  18. I think it is a very real possibility that bigfoot and UFOs exist. New species are always being discovered. I would assume that bigfoot is distantly related to man and has a high degree of intelligence and has learned to avoid man.
  19. A boss wondered why one of his most valued employees had phoned in sick one day. Having an urgent problem with one of the mainframe computers, he dialed the employees cell phone number and was greeted with a child's whisper, "Hello". "Is your daddy home?" he asked. "Yes", whispered the child. "May I talk with him?" he asked. "No", the child whispered. Suprised and wanting to talk to with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your mother there?" "Yes," the child whispered. "May I talk with her?" Agin the small voice whispered "No". Hoping there was someone there who he could leave a message wit
  20. Property in the middle of no where, build a completely off grid house and convert the rest to gold...
  21. I got caught up in this accident and saw a sheriff deputy placing an uninjured small boy, looked to be about 4 years, old in his car. I hope the boy's mother is OK.
  22. I transfer money between savings and checking all the time online. What next, a pop up screen asking why you are doing this?
  23. Shrimp cocktail appetizer and lobster ravioli for the main course with french bread. Some sort of dessert.
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