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Nicholas Cole - Photographer

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You know you have that old photo of some family member which has been in bad shape for a long time, and getting worse.


Now is the time to have that special old portrait of family photo restored for a Christmas gift the your loved one.


The giving of an old restored photo will bring tears of happiness to that special person in your life as it brings back so many joyful memories.





The following is another I will finish this week for giving at Christmas.


The original was a 14 x 19 convex oval with a curved glass when it first came to life. Over the years, the glass and frame were broken and the original domed print was stacked under something and flattened. As it was squashed flatter over the years the cracks got larger and more of them developed.


I have over 30 years of restoring old photos in all kinds of bad shape. If you have one which needs some TLC to present to that special person, please call me. I would be so happy to help.


FYI. The ball park fee for restoration of an old portrait of this size and in this condition and making a new print of the same size is from $150 to $300. Most of my restoration jobs are of a much smaller size and average from $45 to $95.




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