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GFC requested. GFC 3 responding.


Dabbs Bridge and Bartow - otherwise Cobb would respond if it was at the Cobb/Bartow area.


I don't recognize any of the names they are mentioning as x-streets.


Maybe near the new subdivisions near the line.


SO units advises of an additional fire near Hollingshed Rd.


Three seperate fires - heading into woods.


tanker 6 on scene at DBR/Hollingshed


need battalion - two structures in danger

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Tanker 6 - do I have another unit enroute




station 8 toned out - engine 8 responding


tanker 6 reports additional fire north of his location


E8 requesting instructions


E8 - stage at 1163 DBR to protect structure until GFC arrives - needed for fire working into pasture

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tanker 6 had its fire under controlengine 8 was battling its fire from the road when I went by - then relocated to the driveway of this house.fire was approaching the house and engine 8 was requesting the ETA of GFC. GFC arrived a short time later and was instructed to back up the driveway to unload equipment.smoke was heavy and right at the streetBoE advised bus drivers to avoid the area since tanker 6 was still blocking the roadcommand - GFC is begining break at this time

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engine 6 sent to investigate a smoking phone pole


this pole is in the middle of the second fire that engine 8 worked


it was smoking when I went by at 3:00


no danger - there is nothing left to burn in that area


station 6 advises that tanker 6 will be enroute instead of engine 6

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