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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. So, from what direction do the planes take off and land? It doesn't seem like an exact east/west I already live below the Hartsfield traffic.
  2. Check out the Ask-a-Lawyer Day calendar event listed for February 15, 2013 or visit the State Bar website.
  3. Type in Dick van D-y-k-e, but leave out the dashes. A few years back here on PCom, he became Dick van Lesbian. Swear to god.
  4. We had lunch there today. The pizza is quite good. They could be a bit more focused at the register. For some reason they use a calculator and then the cash register as well as a server's pad. But I would definitely go back for the pizza. Typical NY pizza-- fold the slice and eat. Big slices of pizza, too.
  5. Mikey

    Taylor Farms

    The county staff who would manage this have been dealing with furloughs and lost wages. I wouldn't expect any frivolity.
  6. Things are changing. Courts are stepping up. I have listed some court-based selfhelp centers here: http://lawscape.wordpress.com/2010/12/01/court-based-law-information-centers-available-to-some-georgians
  7. name change packet free at http://www.appfamilylawcenter.org
  8. Mikey

    DUMB ?

    You can read the GA Code onlinr. Ga. Code §34-8-194 Good cause shall be determined by the commissioner according to the circumstances in the case; provided, however, that leaving an employer to accompany a spouse who has been reassigned from one military assignment to another shall be deemed to be for good cause; provided, however, that the employer's account shall not be charged for any benefits paid out to the person who leaves to accompany a spouse reassigned from one military assignment to another. Still waiting to hear Twitter recommends.
  9. Mikey

    DUMB ?

    I just posted a request about this to my twitter lawyer tweeps. Let you know what I discover. Meantime, call State Bar of Ga Military Legal Assistance Program, 404-527-8765.
  10. Neon, because He is the light of the world. Or, it's just bad taste.
  11. I wish they would set up this at 92 south at 278. I'm so tired of nearly being hit head on by drivers swinging left over the double yellow line into the left turn lane.
  12. Call the local pizza delivery guy. They KNOW these neighborhoods. lol.
  13. Mikey


    NoMas Cantina in the Castleberry Hill area or Thrive in the Centennial Tower on Marietta.
  14. I saw an odd silver BMW on South Davis Mill around 5:20. It had a drive-out tag, used. It was off the side of the road.
  15. So, if you don't want federal oversight, then I assume you don't want the federal tax dollars? If you do want federal tax dollars, then some significant level of oversight must be in order to ensure local districts are spending federal money appropriately and are accountable. How would your local system be funded?
  16. Leavin' on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again.
  17. I actually like that idea.
  18. My commute from Atlanta to Paulding was pretty fast today-- until I turned onto Hiram Sudie Road west boud. Who is the dim bulb county contractor who decided to mow the shoulder of Hiram Sudie Road after 4pm? It took me an extra 25 minutes to get home. The cars were backed up for over a mile or more.
  19. You have no rights if you can't enforce them. Your state legislators and congressional reps have been working hard for some years now to restrict your access to the courts. Increasing filing fees, restricting jurisdiction, limiting damages recoveries, reducing funding to courts, and hence staffing and operational hours. The list goes on. Rights? Well, you can't boast about the American Constitution without honoring the judicial branch.
  20. This thread is quite humorous. Pity the distraction from the real story.
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