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Everything posted by Relicrescue

  1. From what I hear Commissioner Carmichael and the head of the church are really good friends
  2. Exactly But my taxpayer money did help build it and I can’t even use it on a Sunday
  3. no one other than church can be in building, I’ve known they rented buildings it just bothers me because they are taking in money on supposed to be a public building for profit and no one else even has the chance to rent on a Sunday for an event, and the county is responsible for all clean up and stuff no matter what happens
  4. Could I rent it and run a non profit out of one of the parks
  5. Apparently our tax funded new burnt hickory park building cannot be used by the public on ANY SUNDAY because the county without voting has rented it to a church for $50,000 not only will we not see any of that money put back in our parks but what is the counties responsibility in this situation,
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