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I want my space!

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About I want my space!

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City
  1. Hypocritical propaganda. Kind of hard to engage in actual dialogue when the puppet has to wait to get his/her lines fed to them from their puppet masters...
  2. I have been blocked off the FB page as well. Care to fact check this claim? "These anti-airport commissioners don't care their actions will cost the county taxpayers tens of millions of dollars in increased taxes." What, where is your proof to that? What I do know for a fact is that the proposed five-year Airport expansion plan would have cost the County an estimated $40 more million over the next five years. And you know that an estimated $40 would wind up costing a real $60 million once they had finished everything... Getting a little taste of how it felt fighting this secret
  3. Great idea! A fantastic tribute and show of respect to Corporal Driskell's service to our county (and country)… Very thankful for whomever came up with this act of compassion for the innocent ones that he took an oath to protect.
  4. ^^^ Well reasoned post. No one is sure who did what (or didn't do) or *when* yet. All I can know is that multiple County department heads have resigned over the past six months. That doesn't seem to be a very positive sign to me... It is premature to point fingers at the 'new guys' when they haven't even had their first meeting yet!
  5. The problem now on the table: who do you support now? Deal or Carter? Seems like a no-win either way...
  6. Pubby, we have had our differences in the past (not in any personal means, just on the fourms, etc.). But I have to give you kudos for your compassion and outreach to Surepip and his family this week. That was a class act, and I have to acknowledge that. Hope Thad has a speedy recovery!
  7. InC: Exactly right. It isn't the concept, per se, but the manner that it was done (for me at least). Show me a plan. Show me some hard data. Show me *something* before you pull the trigger and start spending my/yours/our money on something that hasn't been put before the public. The BOC and our Airport Authority made the decision to "go commercial" behind closed doors and in secret meetings that *by law* according to the Open Meetings Act, they were supposed to give notice to. They did not. We have asked for a Town Hall/public forum style meeting so they could present thei
  8. ^^^ Exactly. If it started out differently, with citizen input and a actual business plan instead of the dismissive "I know what's good for you, just eat it" – "It's a DONE DEAL" attitude; the "negative" feelings that we have now wouldn't be as strong. At least for me. Show me a business plan. We have asked for that. We don't have that. Show me someone that has the experience that can run and operate a successful commercial airport. We don't have that. Show me a sponsor that has an established track record and a financial history to back it up. We don't have that, either. Now,
  9. State of the art incompetence…why am I not surprised by this? All show and NO substance...
  10. Beach Bum, I guess if you "liked" my response to your post and it made you laugh, why are you so dismissive of all of the hard work and effort and time that went to this campaign on ***ALL*** sides??? This includes Pubby. It might not have been the outcome you personally would like, but your dismissive, snobby attitude is…unappealing.
  11. ^ I have to agree with you. I begged people anywhere I went this last week to just go out and *VOTE*. I didn't tell them who or what to vote for, but that it was important and a privilege for all of us to have that right in this country (and county)…I don't know why you would laugh. It is saddening to me.
  12. Talk about a back stab post. 14% was higher that was predicted for this primary and you know it. A lot of blood, sweat and tears and sacrifice went into this campaign, for *all* of the candidates, winners or losers. It is hard, hard work. As far as yesterday's outcome, I am extremely proud of it. David Bond's one-man campaign (who has been in Paulding County for only three years) managed to capture *40% of the vote* against Maxwell's 100K war chest. 40%!!! I would not consider Maxwell's "win" to be a sound defeat by any means. I would see it it as a wake up call.
  13. I'm sorry OSU, that is so unfair. Sorry for your loss.
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