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About philyaw

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  1. It is going to be Hiram Horror Containment. It was originally designed for Atlantic Station. All of the containers will cover a large area. I think there are 21 in all. We are excited for Hiram to have this wonderful entertainment through October. Please come and experience it. You will really know what skeered means.
  2. I cannot believe that people have forgotten how fast we were falling by 08. Gas prices have soared for years. I am not waiting on a handout, I just think everyone should pay the same percentage in taxes, and we would be ahead of the game if republicans had not blocked everything The President has tried to do. No one is listening. All we can do is vote our beliefs.
  3. If it is a subdivision, and less than 5 acres. They are not. Report it to the Marshall's.
  4. Eddie was our neighbor and we cared for him very much. We will miss him.
  5. I would like for the candidates to answer my concerns. I read a lot about our economy and watch the news all of the time and I am so confused about people thinking we can create jobs and wanting to place blame. The way I see it is going to be a long time in the future because we were told several years ago that technology would destroy many jobs and that has come to pass. We do so many things now with our computers and that has caused a lot of people to lose jobs. When the housing bubble burst it caused so many to lose jobs because that was a major income source in this county. Think of all of
  6. I respect you very much for what you say. I wish everyone would do their homework, take the time to think rationally and work hard to improve our future. So many people now just vote the party. There is so much more responsibility to voting. I am like you I may choose wrongly but I spend a lot of time reading and listening and doing my best to educate myself in which direction I think is right.
  7. I like your post. Maybe that is something we all should consider, we do seem to be more party oriented than people and America oriented. We just need good sound ideas. I have never known the people of the United States so bitter and so divided. Sometimes I am afraid that in the future we will be like the countries we see on the news that are always divided and resort to violence among each other.
  8. Years ago men had to give so many days labor a year to work on the roads. Maybe the one that is voting no would be willing to leave their computer and air conditioning or their days may be in the cold miserable weather of winter. If they can convince other people to do this then the problem is solved. We have many, many more roads now and they are paved so it will probably involve more work hours and harder work because of everything being concrete or asphalt but I guess it could be done. Oh yea no machinery just shovels and hopefully a couple of mules.
  9. That is a good one. The one not voting themselves a tax increase has got to be humiliated.
  10. I sure hope you do follow through on this and post it if it is true. Voters need to know.
  11. philyaw


    Gosh that would be great to give all of the tax revenue to the state and our property tax would probably double since the county would not get any of it. I am so glad you are thinking on your feet. Way to Go.
  12. Absolutely beautiful. Brings tears to your eyes.
  13. I agree the splost is the fairest tax we pay. People who are renting still have to contribute to all of the county schools, roads, protection, parks ball fields and many other facility's and services that they use and a great percentage does come from people in other counties and we should be grateful that they come to Paulding to shop. I for one would miss getting to see my grand daughter play ball. It is still the #1 enjoyment that so many parents and children still unify together as a family. Children put aside TV, computers and other ways to try and entertain themselves when they come
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