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About pct61

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  • Birthday 08/24/1961
  1. That's so sad that it's always been that way since I moved here 41 years ago.
  2. Hey it's me again guess who! Boogie Moose Get Loose. Hump Back Road! The Paulding Plaza! Catfishies!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. How can I pick it up if you choose to sell it to me. Please call me at 770-627-4171 for more infor. if thats okay. PCT
  4. Their is nothing better than a bowl of homemade Chicken Noodle Soup with shredded cheese, fresh or dried dill and lots of soup cracker and lets not forget the cayenne pepper. Thats food for the soul. Homemade fresh bread with dill butter would be great to. I choose take-out by the fire and TV. Is it ready yet let me know. Yum Yum Yum
  5. Hello Is there any possible way you still have that candle and where did you get it and where can I find one. I hope it's okay to reply to this message please email me at pct61@yahoo.com. Thanks, And have a great day. pct61@yahoo.com
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