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Bobby Jo Bradley

Mayberry Sheriff
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Everything posted by Bobby Jo Bradley

  1. The post were unintentionally removed, they will be restore.
  2. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/295072-god-has-been-sighted/page__pid__3722338#entry3722338
  3. It wasn't shut down, it was moved. And it wasn't moved for the use of the word GOD but more for the reference in which it was used.Carry on with your conversation and have a good day in mayberry!
  4. It was moved to paulding place.
  5. This is an old topic therefore I am closing it.
  6. Stop acting so jealous, Clara.
  7. It would be Mr Tattle Tale who runs to Andy when I'm just trying to have a little fun. OK. A helluva lotta fun. Don't you have a rummage sale to tend to? Hey, Bug Un. Ain't seen you around these parts in a while.
  8. Let's keep to the topic guys. If you would like to discuss politics. We have a forum for you to hash it out there. I will let the two posts stand for now but anything further will be moved and/or edited to stay on topic.
  9. I'm going to bed! Even us Mods have to sleep sometime!
  10. You know the TONK hasn't seen any action lately!!
  11. nighty night LPPT Go get your beauty rest
  12. I'm a meat person myself. I like steaks, nothing like a good steak...... unless it's a really good steak wrapped in bacon!!!
  13. I LOVE pecan pie!! No joke all smothered in cool whip. YUM!!!
  14. How what is going? I'm still waiting on my dang Hamburger!!
  15. Hey Mark Don't worry about those who may or may not be closed minded. Go to the thread with the funny signs defending gay and lesbian rights! I loved it!
  16. I need a smiley face that's wearing a purple hat with a big white feather for LPPT
  17. Go get him LPPT!!! Making me do all the work pfffttt!! Gleemp I can't take my top off. Mama says that unladylike
  18. SGT Carter did it not me!!! And I ain't stirrin up no trouble. I'm just bored!!
  19. Come on people, Where are you at? I am apparently working the graveyard shift. My lunch break is in question and I'm bored!!! So entertain me!!! LOL
  20. LOL I know but I'm really worried about my break. A girl gets hungry ya know!
  21. Follow this link http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/274118-restaurant-closed/page__p__3492532__hl__%2Bhuddle+%2Bhouse__fromsearch__1#entry3492532
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