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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. He really does have some kind of perverted obsession with me. I'm starting to wonder if it's some kind of gay thing with him. I realize the guy probably hasn't had any in decades, but he needs to understand that I'm a happily married man who doesn't bat from that side of the plate. But he's a liberal, and liberal guys aren't real men anyway. And now he wants to send me photos. Creepy!
  2. You really have no idea what I do. And that is not one of the degrees I hold. I'm in the commercial and industrial part of the trade. It's a whole different animal. But please continue to demonstrate your envy and ignorance. It's pretty entertaining.
  3. I did, in fact, drop out of high school. Sometimes young people make poor choices. And then some of us find a way to move past those mistakes and get an education and become successful. After I quit high school, I earned my diploma another way, went to tech school for two different courses, then I took a six month course at Georgia Power followed by several online classes and manufacturer's training schools. I hold four state professional licenses and occasionally work as an engineering and design consultant for several manufacturers and as an expert consultant and investigator for severa
  4. The joke, pubby, is Pelosi and the gang claiming that they want to do anything to help Americans. The Democrat's entire agenda right now is to take down president Trump, and they are completely willing to do great damage to our country to accomplish it. They have lied, fabricated charges, and they continue to do so over and over. They have nothing, and they know it. This is why they continue to fabricate lies and foster hate against the man. They are not going to take Trump down because they have nothing that will stick, and they know that. Trump will almost certainly be reelected and
  5. Well, there's the typical programmed partisan response from the brain dead loyal Democrat. What your party worship has taught you to believe is that anyone who doesn't get on board with your politically slanted junk science is a denier and wants to poison the planet. The irony of this is that most of you with your heads up Al Gore's but actually know very little about science. Here's a good article that really nails what is happening because of the radical, junk science agenda that liberals are pushing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2014/02/28/the-insiders-liber
  6. You're arguing with people who have zero understanding of economics. One of them can't even run an internet forum.
  7. That wouldn't change my opinion. I have a deep rooted belief that an unborn child is human life, and that it's wrong for us to take that life. Most of the women around me agree.
  8. Even I struggle with the rape and incest issue. I still think it's wrong to kill an unborn, but at the same time I feel horrible for the women who are victims of such. I never claimed to have all the answers, folks.
  9. It's not about telling someone what they can do with their own body at all, it's about the life within them. IMO, we don't have the moral right to terminate an innocent life, even if it is inside a person.
  10. Please explain in detail how your gun control will help this? On this particular shooting, the only thing different about the weapons used from hunting rifles was the bump stocks. Made legal by Obama, BTW, and recently outlawed by Trump. Ooops, those pesky facts! The vast majority of the other shootings were done with legally obtained weapons. To be clear, even one child being unnecessarily killed is too many. But let's look at some real numbers here. In 2018, which was one of the worst years for mass shootings, there was a total of 113 people (adults and children) killed by shoot
  11. Since the SCOTUS has not yet rulled on similar laws, we really cannot say they are unconstitutional. Lower courts have thrown them out, but part of the reason states keep passing them is because they want the Supremes to eventually hear the case. Many legal scholors feels that a heartbeat equals life, and that would give an unborn baby protection under the First Amendment. I tend to agree with this belief. How can anyone justify killing an unborn child with a heartbeat? How is that any different from killing a human being who is outside of the womb? This is about whether or not we res
  12. Given that today is World Naked Gardening day, I thought that might be what this thread was about. Heh
  13. Supposedly, they knew each other, and the argument started outside and spread to the inside. One report I read claimed that the shooter fired in self defense. I'm sure more will come out.
  14. Based on your past posts, I assume that you're referring to me. But I didn't report or complain about this one. I hardly even come here anymore. I work for a living and don't have much time for your ignorance. BTW, you need to cut your grass.
  15. One possibility is sunspots (solar flares). These are common in the spring and fall, and when they occur they can block some of the satellite signals. Direct TV dishes now receive from multiple satellites, so that can explain loss of some channels but not others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_outage
  16. I would probably agree that they should not have impeached Bill. However, what he and Hill have done since is very serious and I suspect criminal in some cases. I think you'r wrong about the GOP abandoning Trump. Some individuals will, but not the party as a whole. Honestly, most of the problems you guys have with Trump are almost laughable. Though he's probably pulled some stunts, many in your own party make him look like a boy scout. I will state again; we were given two very imperfect candidates to choose from in the last election. Hillary would have been far worse, she makes Tr
  17. Obstruction? What about the famous Tarmac Meeting? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koOXL3TP2J4 I'm pretty sure pubby said nothing about this.
  18. pubby I'm not supporting or condoning any attempts Trump made behind the scenes to obstruct. What I am saying is that he didn't do anything worse than some of your Democrats did and are still doing, and that includes Obama and Hillary. Your double standard is what is so hypocritical. BTW, Trump was exonerated on the collusion issue, which was a hoax to begin with. If the truth ever gets out, we'll find that Hillary, Obama, and some of the DNC bosses did far worse. Not to mention rigging the primaries and conspiring with the media to get advance notice of the questions that would be
  19. Wanna talk about collusion? Ted Kennedy really did conspire with Russia to try and beat Reagan. https://www.forbes.com/2009/08/27/ted-kennedy-soviet-union-ronald-reagan-opinions-columnists-peter-robinson.html#7cf03b7e359a Lest we forget Obama's statement to outgoing Russian President Medevev that was caught on an open mic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keXx0zxTarE But hey, Democrats have no problems with either of these.
  20. No. All I know is that they should be investigated, and if guilty they should be punished. See, pubby, that wasn't so hard. You should try asking people more often instead of playing your ad hominem game.
  21. If you want to know, please ask me instead of accusing me. Then I'll be happy to answer you.
  22. Are they? I was actually referring to other things. Both Clinton (both Clintons) and Obama likely did actually obstruct justice, not just try. But they got a pass, so far. Stay tuned though.
  23. The real question is...were you as outraged when Bill Clinton did it? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Ah, the double standards of the left.
  24. Well, I called that one right. The faithful smoochers of the donkey butt will do their best to keep the collusion story alive. Jesus Christ could come back tomorrow and tell us that there was no collusion, and loyal Democrats would claim he's lying. The sad thing is...most everyone but you guys who worship the donkey god has known all along that there was nothing to this. The news media did too, but it was great for ratings. Everyone is congress knew as well, but beating the drum kept all you good soldiers of hate in lockstep. pubby - you really are delusional. There is absolutely no basis
  25. Adolph? Hahahaha You'll never give up on believing Trump did something terribly wrong, will you pubby? After two years of the most elite intel agency in the world investigating him and finding nothing of significance. The hate is that strong within you. The worst part is that you don't even realize that you look like a damn fool to almost everyone most of the dozen or so people who still read your forum. Seriously, pubster...you've destroyed your business because you put your blind political loyalty to the Democratic Party ahead of the people of this county who used to look to P'Co
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