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From: NRA,assault weapons,gun laws

You are absolutely right that a gun is just a tool but what you're missing is that a gun can be more than just a tool.   Think about tools for a minute and then think about Andy Rooney, late of 60 Minutes fame and his ancient typewriter that he used to write his witty editorials. He could have had the newest laptop with the fanciest word processing program but he held to his manual Royal typewriter circa 1945. Dare I say he loved it.   Think about the kid who drives up in a new high-output



Eddie invents Oxymoron

Eddie, you've done it now!   You've invented, in my mind, a new oxymoron.   Congratulations.   We should endeavor to get Red State Socialism, placed on the oxymoron list.   Here is the official list for oxymoron's starting with R from http://www.oxymoronlist.com/   R & D (research and development) radical center Random Logic (also Fuzzy Logic) random order randomly organized Random pattern rap artist rapid transit Rare steak rarely done rational ravings Reagan Dem



From: Why are Democrats insisting on an increase in rates?

We all know that politics is more than theater ... it is often a magic show in the context of now you see it, now you don't.   The GOP position is that rates are fine where they are; we can deal with the loopholes and while we might claw back some from loopholes for this 'deal' we are experts in manufacturing loopholes ... some that can be very, very specific ... and these loopholes can be hidden as amendments in legislation of all kinds.   We all know that politics is not a game that is pl



From: In all this, one group has been beating the drum of cooperation

The group is called NO LABELS   One of the leaders of it is Mark McKinnon - a Republican - who has been counseling those in congress to compromise. He's been counseling them to stay in Washington so they can get to know other MOC's (Members of Congress). Oh, and they have a program designed to make Congress work.   The first thing on the agenda is a provision that says, No budget, no pay. Congress has to pass a budget before they get paid.   There are a ton of other basically common se



From: Don't kill the messenger

Well, if you give up, I'm disappointed in you Mr. Dis. If anyone should know that the grass isn't greener on the other side of the road, it is you   What you don't realize is that what you're talking about on the other side is nothing like a desire to dole out goodies - that good free stuff - but rather a pragmatic understanding that people get really obnoxious ... and really really free ... if they have nothing, nada, to lose.   Oh a few in that circumstance will become clinically depr



From: How did Romney get his name?

A little known fact about the Romney name.   It would appear that his Great, Great grandaddy coined the name from his association with the Republican party when Utah was trying to get statehood. He was a leader in the Mormon church but more importantly, he was dyslexic. Yes, he was Dyslexic. He was also from the southeastern part of Europe where the names are particularly hard to spell and pronounce. He found it necessary to change his name like many millions of others from that region wh



From: America Attacked Again

My take on this is a bit more nuanced.   First, the film is nothing more than an excuse to whip up a mob and get their juices going.   In the case of the attack in Egypt and the silence of the current government; the manipulation you're seeing is one from the civilian "muslim brotherhood" faction that is and has been in an internal fight for power with the Egyptian military.   The US, since Camp David in 1979, has been funding and training the Egyptian military and the civilian group se



From: Is Paulding.com the first to do the TV thing?

Wild and crazy revelation. I had written this short about a fellow I met in Watonga Oklahoma - Ernie Hoberecht - and I apparently initially misspelled the name back in 2003. Oh well, I have the feeling that those UPI underlings would find that not only funny, but fitting given the ego that was Hoberecht.   So you'll understand better, here is the link to him in google search.   pubby   Source: Is Paulding.com the first to do the TV thing?



From: Egypt ... understanding our relationship

The knee-jerk reaction to our aid package for Egypt is that since they attacked our embassy, we should cut them off and walk away.   In an earlier post in the referenced topic, I suggested that what we've had with Egypt is something akin to a marriage. With any marriage there are good times and bad.   Of course that analogy is far from perfect but it does help us understand some aspects of the relationship and why we should strive to be understanding; as we would be understanding of our s



From: Board of Commissioners Decide to Raise Tax Millage

For those who don't know, here is a glimpse of how politics actually works.   A couple of things I've heard regarding this years budget started to make sense today after Judy Horne made her comment about the meeting where the county chose to ask for the roll back. I think the stinger on her video which follows is Tommie Graham saying he agreed with some of what she said.   While for most, Ms. Horne's comments add to the drama, to me it is more how government works ... which frankly can be a



The best 11 minutes and 11 seconds of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart ever

Tuesday night, after two weeks off, I happened to Catch Jon Stewart's return to the Daily Show comedy news.   He opened with the funniest, hardest hitting, self-deprecating video editorial in my memory. My jaw was agape.   Here it is in three installments. Watch one, watch the second and watch the third and you'll know how silly the polarizing language used by today's 'dividers' is ...   The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire



48 Hour Guerrilla Movie Contest ... coming up May 18, 19, 20.

I'm listening to a podcast involving some of the judges for the 48 hour guerrilla film contest ...   Here are some pearls:   Everybody has a weekend, you may as well be making a movie.   99 percent of the people just talk about it, just get it done is a huge accomplishment   we shouldn't make a movie about a movie. make a movie about a character.   Not action for the sake of action . no drug deal gone bad movies.   do something we can do well.   Sound is important. do some f



Interested in Online Media Law ... Big conference at Kennesaw

Below is the opening page of the Center for Sustainable Journalism's Conference page announcing the conference set for September 25th. If you check the lineup of people on panels and speaking, you'll see that I'm on a panel.   Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames.   If you want a discount ($10 off) the conference fee, use the promotional code "Hughes" and you'll get a break.   pubby



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